Chapter 9: that was weird?

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"Morning hazie" I rolled over and saw hazel on her phone...wait, that's my phone!

"What are you doing!" I yelled and snatched it of her.

"I was just playing candy jealous that you got a new iPhone 5s" she smiled sheepishly.

I nodded.

"Ok, I was lying! hunter asked if you wanna hang today, so I said yes"

"What! when! were!" I said hopping out of bed.

"He said it's a surprise, and he's coming in an hour" she smiled.

I sighed, "What to wear...what to wear" I rummaged through my closet.

I pulled out a short salmon pink, floral dress and white converse.

I looked at hazel for approval and she smiled.

I changed then put on some make up and brushed my hair.


"Ok bye hazel, see you later" I hugged her and grabbed my purse, running down stairs.

I opened the door to see hunter checking me out, "hey".

He didn't answer.

"Hellloooo" I said waving my hand in his face.

He didn't answer.


He didn't answer.

"Wanna have sex?" I smirked, and his head finally shot up.

"What?" he looked at me confused.

"You were staring at me so I distracted you by saying wanna have sex" I laughed.

"So we're not having sex?" he pouted.

"Shut up" I hit him playfully.


"We meet again" I faced his death mobile, aka, his 'motorbike'.

"Come on" he rolled his eyes and pulled me on the bike.

I wrapped my arms around his waist as he started the engine.

"Were are we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise!" He smiled

"I'm not a patient person you know" I growled.

"Oh, I know" he winked and drove of.


"What is this place?" I took in all my surroundings, a square ring, rows of seats, facing inwards to the ring.

"This is were I fight"

I whipped my head around, "fight?".

"Yeah, fight"

"I have to watch you...get hit?"

"I won't get hit Clara, I can defend my self" he walked up to me.

"Hunter! what's up" a tall boy walked up to us.

"Sup Aaron" he did the weird boy hand shakey thing while I stood there awkwardly.

"This is Clara"


"Hey" he said checking me out, it made me feel uncomfortable.

"Come with me" hunter grabbed my hand and led me to what looked like a changing room.

Hunter ripped of his shirt, revealing his abs and v line for me to admire.

"Well are you gonna turn around or are you going to watch me get dressed" he smirked.

Clara's choiceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin