Chapter 7: hunterlisous date

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I woke up with a smile on my face, remembering hunter and I's date tonight

I'm actually really kick his ass in bowling!

Literally, school was the same as any day so there's no point saying anything about that

"Hazel come on, start the engine" I said being the impatient person I am

"Ok, so what are you gonna wear?", she was helping me get ready for hunters and I's date

"Well, I think I'll wear my floral crop top, with my black skirt and my aqua heels..hows that" I said while we were driving on our way to my house

"That's sounds really cute! I bags doing hair and makeup!" she squealed

"Fine!" I said giggling

Once we reached my house I had one and a half hours to get ready

"Eat whatever you want from the fridge, I'm just going to have a shower" I said and ran upstairs

I washed my hair then came out feeling fresh

"Hazel!!" I yelled

"Coming!" she yelled back

"Ok, so..lets do make up first" she said

"Ok, come in here" I said taking her in the bathroom

For my eyes, she did a smokey look, for my lips she just put on lip gloss, she put on foundation and blush and all that jazz then was finished

"I'm just going to curl the ends of your hair" hazel said

"Okie" I replied

When she finished that I went to put on my outfit

"How's this!" I said coming out of the bathroom with everything completed, and hunter will be here in ten minuets

"You look drop dead gorgeous!" she squealed

I laughed and she did to, I grabbed my purse and we watched tv till the door bell went

"Omg hazel, he's here!" I said

"It's fine! ok, let me just touch up your make up" she said playing with my face

"Ok that's enough! now go!" she said nudging me

I took a deep breath in then opened the door

"Hey hunter" I said sweetly

"Hey clara, you look beautiful" he said checking me out

"Thank you" I said smiling

"Bye hazel! I'll be back tonight, just do what ever you want until I come back ok" I said smiling

"Sure thing, have fun!" she said as I closed the door

"You want me to go on that" I said pointing to his black motorbike

"Hey! don't call her a that!" he said handing me a helmet

I laughed, "her?"

"Yes, her" he said hopping on

I put on the helmet and hopped on the bike

I refused to hold onto him but I couldn't since he was driving like a maniac

I held onto his waist tightly, I'm not dieing like this!

"Wanna get some pizza?" he asked me when we stopped at a red light

"Sure!" I squealed back

We arrived to a fancy pizza place by the ocean

"You don't have to take me here, it looks expensive" I said taking of my helmet

"Don't worry Clara, I'll pay" he said nicely

"You really don't have to"

"But I want to"

"Ok, fine" I said getting of the bike

As we were walking to the front entrance his hand managed to get around my waist

"Table for two" he said to a waiter about 22

"Right this way" she said as she lead us to a table with an amazing view of the ocean

"So, are you ready to get your ass kicked?" I said smiling

"Are you ready to get your ass kicked" he chuckled

"Dream on" I said as the waitress came to take our order

"A ham and pineapple please" I said politely

"Sure thing, and for you cutie" she said to hunter

My eyes widened, how dare she say that while it's obvious we're on a date

"The same please" he said with a wink

"Coming right up" she said taking out menus and looking at hunter as she took his

She finally left our table

"Um, what was that about" I said annoyed

"Is someone jealous?" he said smirking

"If this is a joke, then it's not very funny. I don't know how bad boys minds work, but that's not right to hit on a girl while on a date with another girl" I snapped

"Your definitely jealous" he smiled

"Am not" I said, fidgeting with my napkin

"Are to"

"I'm not!"

"You are"

"I'm not!"

"Ok, ok, your not jealous at all"


"So, what do you like to do in your spare time miss goody girl" he said leaning forward

"I'm not a goody girl, and I like to-"

"Wait, let me, getting your nails done, giggling-" he started

"No! I'm not like normal girls you know" I said looking down

"That's why I like you" he said, which made my head shoot up

"Then why'd you think i like being beautified and giggle in my spare time?" I said raising an eye brow

"Just wanted to see your reaction" he said smirking

"Well, the truth is, I like to do art, hang out with friends, read, the beach is growing on me to"

"That should be our next date then, the beach" he said

"Who said there'll be a next date" I said smiling

"I know you'll want to go on another date with me clara"

"And whys that!" I snapped

"Your all over me, good girls always fall for the bad boys"

"Pfft, you wish, now tell me about you" I said rolling my eyes, he loves himself!

"I love riding motor bikes, hanging out with friends-"

"Hooking up with girls" I mumbled

"I'm not deaf, I can hear you! and I don't hook up with girls...that much"

"Ugh, typical"

He was about to say something when the pizza came

"Thank you" I said not so nicely, that's the girl who was all over hunter

"You were a lot nicer the other day at the park" I said ripping pieces of pizza of the stand

"You made me go all soft that ONE day ok, that was enough mr softy to last me a life time so don't think it will happen again!" he said grabbing his pizza

I just laughed

I watched him as he rolled up his pizza and took a bite out of it

While I used my knife and fork to break apart bit by bit

He chuckled, "what?"

"You just, eat so, roll it up like this" he said instructing me on his 'method' of eating pizza

I rolled it up and took a bite out of it, it actually tasted a lot better than I thought, I mean it still tasted like pizza but kind of different in a way


"Yeah, I guess" I said rolling up my second piece

Once we finished we got up and were about to leave the door when someone grabbed hunters shoulder

"Call me" she winked, handing hunter a piece of paper with her number

"Listen, is it that hard for your puny little brain to understand that were on a date! you can't just give him your number and flirt right in front of my face!" I snapped

"Shutup you idiot, he's obviously just using you for something, I mean, as if he would go out with you for his own pleasure"

A tear fell down my face and I looked at hunter

His eyes were full of anger

"Excuse me! are you just gonna go around making my decisions, who do you think you are! correction. I'm not using her, I actually like her and would never like someone like you, as if I was going to ring you" he said chucking the piece of paper on the ground, grabbing my hand and leading me to his bike

The girl stood there shocked

As hunter started the engine, I wrapped my arms around him tightly and looked at her, gave her a little wave with a sarcastic smile then stuck the finger up as soon as he drove away so she couldn't get me

I giggled as we drove to the bowling alley

Once we reached there it was pretty packed

"Stick with me" hunter said grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowd

"One 8 and one 10 please" he said to the guy, getting our bowling shoes

"Hunter!" a tall guy said walking up to us

"Hey Dylan" he said doing that weird hand shake thing boys do

"This is clara" hunter said pointing to me



"Who are you here with" hunter asked

"Just a couple of mates, you don't know them" he replied

"Sweet, anyway we have to go" he said as we walked to our alley

We started to play and hunter was winning, 65-45, he kept getting strikes

"Ok hunter, show me your technique" I begged


"Pweassseee" I said putting my hands together

He sighed, "fine"

I smiled

I grabbed my size bowling ball, which was an 8 while hunters was a 14

He came behind me and gently put his hands on mine, he pulled my hand back then shot it forward

I tilted my head back so I was vaguely facing him

"A strike" I said softly

"You've learned from the best" he added

I rolled my eyes, "wanna show me again?"

He laughed, "like this" he said getting so close behind me I could feel his abs against my back

His lips where next to ear as our heads were practically touching

He slid his hand down my arm and wrapped his hand around mine, he pulled my hand back softly and drew it forward, causing yet again, another strike

"Like that?" his whispered into my ear

"I still don't think I've got it" I smiled

He smirked, "do you really want to me to show you again"

"No, it's fine" I said, he was still pressed against me

"Let's just finish this game" I interrupted, I'm so stupid!

We continued playing until the last go came around, it was 155-155

I drew my hand my slowly back, then jolted it forwards, causing a strike

"WOOHOO" I yelled

He laughed and had his go, he only got a Spare!

"Haha sucked in!" I yelled and ran up to him

He looked down, "I went easy on you, you know"

"Sure sure" I laughed

"Let's just go" he said taking my hand

We got our shoes back and went to his motorcycle

"Can I just take you to one last place?" he asked

"Wow, this is a big date!" I said getting on his bike

We drove up a huge hill until we reached a lookout point

"Wow" I said under my breath as I looked out to see the whole of California, the only light was the lights of the signs of the buildings

"Come on here" he said patting the spot next to him on the grass

I hopped on an moved closer to him than he suggested

His arm was around my back and my head was gently rested on his shoulder

"It's beautiful hunter"

"I know, I've never taken anyone up here before you know"


"Yep" he said simply

We sat there for a while until I remembered hazel waiting at home for me

"I should probably go" I said taking my head of his shoulder

"Your right" he said as we both stood

We drove home, a lot more nicely than when I first was on there

He walked me to my porch

"Thank you for tonight hunter"

"It's alright, goodnight"

I walked up to him and gently kissed his cheek


I walked in the house to see hazel watching t.v

"Your home!" she squealed

"How was your date!" she continued

"It was perfect" I said about to tell her every detail of the night

I guess hunters charm has caught my eye

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