The Journal

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Dear Diary,

I really don't know how to start this. Life seems so confusing right now. I might be overthinking, but this is real.

I can feel the sadness building up in me. I don't know why I act so weird every time I hear my high school friends names mentioned. You know how they were. They never helped me through the tough times and just gave me false promises.

I don't blame them. They were just enjoying their life, while I was wasting mine worrying. I don't even know what it was. Sure I had problems. But every teen does. I just didn't know how to deal with it.

Social anxiety is a joke to many people. But only the ones who really suffer know how it feels.

I can't tell this to Noah! What will he think of me? I'm sure he'll laugh it off. That's how it always is with me and my friends. They just don't understand. Or maybe it's me who needs a lesson in understanding priorities. I need to make it up to him.

Hmm. I know! I'll buy him the best gift ever for friendship day! Oh, I'm sure he'll love it. I can't wait.

He's one of the truest friends in my life. And I don't want to lose that. I'll definitely turn things around when he returns. Till then, goodbye.


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