The Restoration

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Alex wanted to bring her mom back to normalcy again. She wanted her to enjoy life and look past the pain. She was already losing hope as she talked about death so often. Her mom loved reading books. This was probably a good idea, for Alex to read aloud to her.

"What kind of books does she like?"
"I've seen her read a lot of poetry always."
"Great. Let me go check out the latest ones in the store."
"No. Noah. You don't have to buy anything new. I'll go take the books from her bedside table at home."
"Oh, come on. You need to buy new ones. At least the same old book with new covers?"
"Are you sure you know how to pick the best ones?"
"Yes. Trust me. I'll be back in no time."

He came back with two bundles of books. Alex was shocked.

"Why did you buy so many?"
"There's some poetry for mom. Some magazines for you, just in case. And I also went ahead and bought some stuff for myself. I mean books for myself."

She showed the books to her mom and asked her which one she would like to read first. Her choice was Emily Dickinson's collection of poetry. This book was her mom's all time favourite. Alex wasn't a fan, but she loved poetry. Her favourits were Maya Angelou, Rumi, Wordsworth, and many more.

Forever - is composed of Nows - (690)

Forever - is composed of Nows -
'Tis not a different time -
Except for Infiniteness -
And Latitude of Home -

From this - experienced Here -
Remove the Dates - to These -
Let Months dissolve in further Months-
And Years - exhale in Years -

Without Debate - or Pause -
Or Celebrated Days -
No different Our Years would be
From Anno Dominies -

- Emily Dickinson

"That's enough for one day. You can read to me tomorrow. I feel tired Alex."
"Alright mom. Sleep well."

"Did you understand it?"
"Understand what?"
"The poem that you just read."
"Yes. Kind of. You?"
"Yeah. It was something. I mean it means so much. It's deep."
"And beautiful. Mom always reads poetry. It's her favourite hobby."
"That's nice. Wanna go have some ice-cream?"
"Uh. Sure."

They sat quietly enjoying the Rocky Road that Noah bought from the store next door. It was a calm and wonderful day. And Alex wished it would always stay the same.

Hope was her gift now.

Author's Note : P.S. The poem by Emily Dickinson was taken from Credits to the poet.

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