The New Guy

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This guy is not so bad after all. I like him. He's amazing! Wait. What? No. I don't like him like him. He's just a friend. And we go on dates. Oh no! What have I done?

Alex was confused with her feelings. She was only two weeks away from meeting Noah. And here she was going on dates with Jacob. It was only dinner and lunch.

"Hey Alex. You look wonderful. As always."
"Hey. Jacob?"
"I've to say something. I just.. this is not know.."

She'd already mentioned that she has a boyfriend away in Africa. But this didn't bother Jacob.

"It's not wrong Alex. He left you."
"He's on a tour for work. He didn't leave me!"
"Really? If he really loved you he would've made some arrangements to take you along with him there. Right?"
"That's not true. I chose not to go."
"Hmm. So you don't love him enough?"
"How could you say these things?"
"It's true."

That was the end of that. Alex didn't know what she was doing but she was sure she loved Noah. Now she would wait for him to come back and save her. This was the plan.

But plans don't really work that way. Relationships don't.

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