1: Tickets

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A/N: Well, a Twenty One Pilots fic. never thought i'd go outside One Direction or 5SOS honestly but here we are haha. anyway, hope you enjoy! Kisses!



"...And the winner is Amelia Demothi! Amelia, if you're listening, call in 5 minutes to accept your prize of two tickets to the August 1st showing of Twenty One Pilots in Dallas!" the radio announced and my mouth dropped.

I won? I won! "Call the Kid Kraddick Show," I told my phone and it started dialling the radio show. "Welcome to Kid Kraddick! How may I help you?" a female voice said and I said shyly, "I'm Amelia Demothi, I won the Twenty One Pilots tickets?"

"Ah! Amelia, wonderful, now, we need your email address and we will send you the tickets in a printable version, how are you today?" she said and I blinked, though I really didn't need to. I couldn't see anyway.

"Um, I'm wonderful! I can't wait to hear the Tyler and Josh, this will be amazing! My email is A underscore Demothi - D-E-M-O-T-H-I, at gmail dot com," I said and she was silent for a moment before saying, "Wonderful. Congratulations on the win, and I hope you keep listening to the Kid Kraddick!" she said and I said, "Thank you, and I definitely will, I love this station."

she laughed and a few seconds later we hung up and I sat there on my bed shell shocked. I was going to be able to hear Tyler's beautiful voice live, hear Josh's drumming in person. And I knew exactly who I was going to share this experience with.

My only friend, Aaralynn Speaks Walking. She had been there when my house had caught fire when I was 8, taking my vision, mother and baby brother who was only three months old. I missed them greatly, but I was thankful for Lynn. She stuck by me, and I would be forever grateful.

"Call Lynn," I said to my phone and the phone started ringing. A few seconds later, she picked up. "Hey Lia, how's it going?" she asked and I grinned. "Its going pretty well, seeing as on August 1st you and I are going to a TOP concert," I said casually and she said, "That's coo- wait what?! A Twenty One Pilots concert? Are you yanking my chain? Amelia Olean Demothi, I swear if you're kidding I'll come over there right now and tickle you to death! Omigods, this is insane! Please don't be kidding, please!"

I laughed again and said, "Nope, I'm not kidding. I won the Kid Kraddick drawing, and I have two tickets to the August 1st concert in Dallas. They're emailing me right now," hearing the small ding showing that I had an email. 

"Amelia, this is why you're my wife. I love you and I'm coming over right now so we can fangirl over Josh's drumming and Tyler's screaming. And then I'm going to help you plan your outfit so you can get yourself an amazingly hot Twenty One Pilots fanboy and then we will live happily ever after," she said, a lot of rustling over the line and I laughed.

"Alright, silly. I'll see you in 15," I said and she hummed in agreement, sending a kiss over the phone before hanging up. I set my phone aside and grabbed my walking stick, though I didn't need it in my own home. I knew this place better than the back of my hand. Literally.

I went down the hall and to the kitchen, moving to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle and an apple sauce specifically for me. I moved to the living room to wait for Aaralynn to get here, listening to the radio. Currently, Shawn Mendes's Stitches was on and I nodded my head along to the beat, singing quietly along.

I heard the door open and rolled my eyes, knowing Aaralynn was going to try and scare me again. she doesn't understand that I can hear the door open. I heard extremely soft footsteps move to the living room and I faced the open door with an eyebrow raised.

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