12: Love, Home, Family

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A/N: Heyyo!! Did you like the last chapter? Yes? No? Maybe? Alright xD. I'll give a shout out to whoever can figure out what the title is from 0:) Hope you enjoy this one!! <3 Kisses!

PS, omg, Josh is 5'5/5'6, that's how tall I am. And Tyler is 5'9, my sister's height. My life is a lie



Amelia and Tyler were currently in surgery, the bullet had stayed in Amelia's leg, lodged in the bone and Tyler had some internal damage from where the bullet had ripped through his chest. It had grazed his left lung, just barely missing his heart. It had stuck in his shoulder blade, which made it really difficult for the doctors to do the surgery and get it out.

Josh felt terrible, knowing that his best friend had taken that bullet for him. He had gone into cardiac shock, his heart stopping for a few minutes before they managed to get him back. Josh was a mess, worried for his best friend and sister.

We had been checked over, making sure nothing was wrong with us. I had some bruises and a couple small cuts that didn't really need much attention, and there wasn't anything wrong with Josh. He was just terrified, his anxiety acting up. I had been trying to catch his attention, distract him from thinking about it too much, but it wasn't working very well. He stayed focused on Tyler and Amelia, his face blank but his eyes swimming with fear and guilt.

"Amelia Demothi?" A nurse called through the waiting area and Josh and I looked up quickly, standing and almost sprinting to her. "How is she?" I asked terrified and the nurse gave me a reassuring smile. "She responded well to the surgery, and is resting now. The baby is fine, just a little shook up, but both are perfectly healthy. Ms. Demothi will have to stay here for a day or two to rest and stay under surveillance, but she's just fine," she said and I sighed in relief.

"H-How's Tyler Joseph?" Josh asked, his voice shaky and rough from the crying he had done earlier. The nurse frowned and flipped through her clipboard. "He's still in surgery, but so far the doctors are optimistic. His heart is healthy and strong, beating normally. His lung needed some repair, but it too is responding well to treatment. Now, even though Ms. Demothi is currently asleep, would you like to visit her?" she said and I struggled to keep my mind on the question even though a major flood of relief was currently rushing through my mind. Our friends were doing okay.

"Um, yeah, we would, please," I answered as I felt Josh's body almost give in, the relief and sudden disappearance of the fear making him weak. I took his hand in mine and squeezed it tightly, trying to give him some support as we followed the nurse down the hallway and to Amelia's room.

She stopped at the door and gestured for us to walk in, placing her clipboard in a small container hanging on the wall before walking down the hallway. I gently tugged Josh into the room, feeling a little nervous about seeing my best friend asleep in a hospital. The last time this had happened really sucked, and it also really sucked that there was a last time or a this time. Now I knew how Sam and Dean felt with each other dying all the time. (REFERENCES WOO)

I took in the sleeping form of my best friend, her leg in several bandages and a small bandage on her cheek where a small cut had been made from Leon's ring. She was slightly pale, but had a faint glow in her cheeks that showed she was healthy, alive. Her chest was moving normally, the heart monitor showing that her heart was beating steadily.

My heart seemed to relax and tense at the same time, taking my breath away. My best friend should never have to look like this, and I had to see her look like this too many times. If I never had to see her like this again, it would be too soon.

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