17: Falling Too Surprises

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A/N: Heyyo my beautiful flowers! I really hope you enjoyed the last chapter, it was so awkward to write that smut scene omg. Like, I never write het smut, ever. That one chapter with Joshalynn? That was the first time I ever wrote het xD. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, and ps, I'm not going to be writing the rest of the honeymoon cos like, I know nothing about Rome xD. So just imagine hella ton more smut, some really cute sweet scenes that make your teeth hurt and the occasional fan thing. yesh. I hope you enjoy this one!! Kisses!



3 months later

I watched my husband dance around on stage with Josh, singing Ode To Sleep. We were in London, at the O2 once more. The same place I'd done my first concert a year ago. I smiled and looked down as I felt a little body attach itself to my leg, Xaria looking up at me with wide eyes. "Mama look! Daddy! Jish!" she squealed, pointing on stage and I laughed, picking her up carefully.

"Yes baby girl, that's Daddy and Uncle Josh," I said amused, seeing Aaralynn and Bobby walking to us. "Auntie Lynn!" Xaria said excitedly, the little girl really hyper. "Hey baby girl," Aaralynn said amused, Bobby clinging to her hand.

"Alright everyone, how are you all doing?" Tyler shouted and I turned, seeing him standing near the front of the stage and breathing heavily. Everyone started cheering and I heard Aaralynn snicker, which she did every time Tyler asked that and got the same response. I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled innocently at me.

Tyler kept talking and Xaria squirmed in my arms, so I set her down next to me and looked back up. "Lia!" Aaralynn hissed and I looked down and realised my daughter was gone. I looked around quickly and noticed her running onto stage to Tyler. I rolled my eyes and started after her, shouting, "Tyler, incoming!"

The singer turned and smiled widely as he saw his little girl running towards him, the many people in the audience awe-ing as they noticed her. He knelt down and scooped her up, spinning her. "Xaria, why don't you say hi to everyone?" he asked her and she giggled, waving at the audience before hiding her face in Tyler's shirt.

Everyone was silently freaking out, though not really silently. I walked onstage and headed to them, everyone cheering when they saw me. I still got nervous in front of so many people, even more so since my vision was returned, but I smiled and waved, reaching Tyler.

"Hey love," Tyler said amused, bouncing Xaria on his hip. I rolled my eyes but smiled, saying, "Hello darling, why don't you finish the concert and I take Xaria? It's about time for her nap." Tyler smirked and I raised an eyebrow. "Or, you two can stay up here, because I have a little surprise for you," he said, and I tilted my head curiously.

I glanced back and noticed Aaralynn and Josh standing next to each other by the drums, Bobby messing with the cymbals. They both had matching smirks and I rolled my eyes. "Alright, what is it this time?" I asked playfully and he grinned, handing me Xaria who just giggled, the microphone catching the noise and making everyone in the audience coo.

"Alright guys, I'd planned on doing this later, near the end of the concert, but I really want to do this now. Lia, love, if you would go sit in your usual spot please? I'm about to serenade you!" he said, bowing dramatically and I laughed with the audience, moving to sit in my chair that I usually used to sing with Tyler. My ukulele was still by it, since I'd just been on stage not twenty minutes ago to sing Forest and We Don't Believe What's on TV.

Xaria squirmed in my lap once I'd sat down so I let her go, the little girl jumping from my lap and once again running to her dad, attaching to his leg. Tyler just laughed and picked her up, carrying her over to the piano.

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