18: Epilogue - Kiss

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A/N: Oh my gods, this is the last part of this story :O. This has been a crazy ride, and i hadn't even planned on writing it. Blame BlueRain8196 for this story. Or give her credit lol, even though I CAME UP WITH THE PLOT she just told me characters and the first chapter (tickets). I did the rest -_-. lol, love you Emmy <3

I hope you all enjoy this! Kisses!


3rd person POV

5 years later

Amelia and Tyler stood in front of their house, a little girl with brown curls next to Tyler, a little boy with bright eyes and chubby cheeks next to Amelia. They were waiting for the bus, and the little boy was clinging to his mother's leg.

"Mama, I don't wanna go to school," he whined and she knelt down in front of him. "You have to go to school, Marcus. Your sister and cousins will be there, and you'll love your teacher," she said softly and he frowned, tears forming in his eyes. Amelia wrapped her arms around the little 5 year old.

"Daddy, don't make me go," he begged and Tyler smiled down at his son. "I'm sorry bub, but you have to," he said softly and Marcus grumbled. "Don't worry Marky! School is fun, you get a lot of crayons! And we get nap time, and play time, and sometimes they even give us candy!" Xaria cheered and Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Not too much candy, Xaria, it's bad for your teeth, remember?" she said and Xaria gave her an innocent smile. Tyler laughed. "She's been around Josh way too much," he said and Amelia laughed, nodding. "What can I say, she loves her uncle, don't you cupcake," Josh's voice said and making the duo jump.

"Dang it, Jishwa," Amelia grumbled and the drummer and his wife laughed. "Don't worry, she can't be as bad as Jessabella, right?" Aaralynn asked, talking about her three year old daughter. She had three kids, Robert, the oldest at 6, Olivia Marie at 5, and Jessabella May at 3. She was 5 months pregnant again too, with a little boy they wanted to name Noah Lee, and Tyler kept messing with Josh about it.

Amelia laughed, standing carefully and wrapping an arm around her son's shoulders. Amelia was pregnant too, her third child. She was about 7 months along, with a little girl they wanted to name Ariel Rose. Tyler had been as overjoyed to hear this as he had been with Marcus, and when Xaria had been born. He was proud of his children, and wouldn't give them up for anything.

The bus pulled up and Olivia and Marcus stared at it with wide eyes. It was their first day of preschool, Xaria's first day of kidnergarten. Little Jessabella was still too young for school, but Josh and Aaralynn didn't mind it. They loved having their little one around.

Josh picked up Olivia and kissed her forehead. "You behave now okay? Bobby will be there to take care of anyone, just like the big brother should be right?" he asked his son and the little boy beamed, nodding. "Yes Daddy! I'll watch Livia," he said eagerly and Josh laughed proudly.

He set the little girl down before hugging Bobby. "Have fun at school little man," he said and Bobby nodded energetically, rushing over to the bus with Olivia's hand in his. "Bye bye Mama! Bye bye Daddy!" she said happily and they waved, tears forming in Aaralynn's eyes.

Josh wrapped an arm around her waist and said, "She'll be fine, we'll see her tonight, and Bobby." "I know, it's just they're growing up. Soon they'll be in high school and going to prom, Olivia is going to be going on dates and-" she started but Josh cut her off. "I'm going to stop you right there, because no one is going to be dating my little girl. Not on my watch," he said protectively and Amelia laughed.

"I know what you mean," Tyler agreed, kneeling down to kiss Xaria's forehead. "Don't you be messing with any boys, you hear?" he asked her and she scrunched her nose. "Boys are gross Daddy, they have cooties!" she said and Tyler nodded. "Yes they do, now get on the bus, and watch your little brother okay?" he said and she nodded, kissing his cheek before taking Marcus's hand.

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