10: Brisbane

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A/N: okay so i really don't know what i'm doing here with this story. I had the first couple chapters planned, but now i got nada. The only reason why I'm still writing is because BlueRain8196 would kick my ass if i quit. So, i hope you love bullshit, cos this is all that's going to be coming until i figure out what the hell i'm doing lol. Love you!



Final concert, then we would be heading home in two days. I was way too excited for that, especially since Amelia's mood swings were starting to make an appearance. I was happy that Aaralynn and she had made up, especially since the month they weren't talking, Aaralynn had been quieter than usual, that was was unsettling. My girl was never quiet.

Seeing her that first day performing on stage with us just made everything feel right. Amelia and Aaralynn were friends again, Amelia had told me her news just the day before, (I had been able to see the relief on her face when I hadn't said anything, just hugged her even as I planned murder scenes for Allery when we found him), and all four of us were performing on stage together.

I sighed as I held Aaralynn closer to my side, her sleeping peacefully against my side. After that night when Amelia had told her about the baby, she had been sleeping terribly, guilt and anger making her have temporary insomnia. This was the first time in a week that she slept without frowinging or muttering in her sleep, moving restlessly.

Tyler had told me that Amelia had been reacting the same way, though it was less noticable in her because she always wore sunglasses. But he said there were bags under her eyes and she slept restlessly throughout the night. I had suggested to Tyler that all four of them start sleeping together in the same bed again at least three times a week, like they had that one night and he agreed. We would all go to Tyler's and Amelia's room that night and sleep in the giant puppy pile once again.

I checked the clock and frowned, knowing I would need to wake up Aaralynn to get ready since the concert that night would be in about two hours, and it took Ivy quite some time to get all four of us ready. I looked down at my sleeping girlfriend, loathing to wake her. She looked completely peaceful, her face relaxed and calm for the first time since she discovered Amelia's baby.

I sighed and ran my fingers across her cheek. "Baby girl, you need to wake up," I said softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She mumbled in her sleep and tried to roll over, the action prevented by my hold on her waist. "No love, you need to get up. You can sleep later, okay?" I said softly and she sighed, nuzzling into my neck.

I chuckled softly, kissing her forehead again before pulling away, trying to see if without me, she would finally wake up. It worked. She grumbled, trying to curl into a ball before giving up and stretching out, yawning and working out the kinks in her joints. "You're evil," she said sleepily and I chuckled, throwing on a shirt and putting my shoes on.

"But that's why you're dating me," I said teasingly and she stuck her tongue out, sitting up and sitting there as she watched me getting ready. I chuckled and jumped onto the bed next to her, surprising her and making her squeal. "Joshua, dammit," she giggled, leaning into my side as I hugged her.

I laughed, kissing her as she tried to say something else. It worked quite well in keeping her quiet sometimes. Sometimes. Others she just kept giggling or she would pull away after a second and keep on with what she had been saying before I had tried to kiss her quiet. 98% of the time, it was enduring, others it was a little annoying. But I knew she liked talking about things she enjoyed, and that no one really listened to her so I listened to her.

This time, it worked, she stayed quiet as she deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. After a few moments, I pulled away and smiled at her blissed out look. "Kissing Joshua Dun will never get old," she sighed and I laughed. "People always wonder how you would kiss, and I can tell them all their fantisies are false. It's a million times better," she said and I laughed, feeling warm.

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