4: Perspectives

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A/N: Hope you enjoyed the last chapter! I wrote that last paragraph about Ode To Sleep while I listening to that song lol, so I wrote the lyric down. Emily said it was a depressing ending, but guess what Emmy, I don't give a shit, you rushed me so I ended it there *blah*. Lol, hope you enjoy this!

PS. Cutting in the beginning, some depressing thoughts.

PPS. this will also just be a short, filler chapter. One to explain the thoughts of Tyler throughout the beginning of the story.


Tyler (hahahaha, evil laughter)

I turned around after we finished that round to say something to Amelia, who I felt bad about ignoring the last forty five minutes, but we had gotten so caught up with the game I'd forgotten everything except my next kill.

But she wasn't there. I frowned. When had she left? I set my controller down and stood up, ignoring Josh's and Aaralynn's eyes as I went to go find the girl who had captured my interest. I wandered around the small apartment, finding the bathroom, an room full of books, the laundry room, Aaralynn's bedroom, and finally a closed blank door at the end of the hallway. I hesitated before pushing open the door silently and was shocked to silence at the sight I came to.

Amelia was sitting on the edge of her bed, her shorts rolled up. It would seem normal, but in her hand was a small razor, three lines already dotting her pale skin. I was horrified, my eyes locked on her. As I watched, I saw her move her fingertips nimbly across her thigh as she ran another line across her leg.

"No!" I cried, moving quickly to her. She jumped, accidentally slashing another line a little deeper than the rest. I ran the few short steps to her, grabbing some tissues that were sitting next to her bed. I pressed the tissues against her leg carefully, tears starting to fill my eyes. I noticed that our song Goner was playing in the background softly.

"T-Tyler?" she whispered, dropping the razor and reaching out hesitantly. I grabbed her fingertips with my free hand and placed them onto my cheek, letting her see me. "Why, Lia?" I asked sadly and I felt her fingers run across my cheeks right under my eyes, catching the tear that had fallen.

"I'm sorry, I was just feeling so down, I haven't done this in so long, but I couldn't stop the depression. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," she whispered, her cheeks glistening with the tears that kept falling down her cheeks.

After pressing the tissue on her cuts softly to stem the blood, I reached my free hand up and gently wiped away her tears. "You don't have to be sorry Lia, just please, don't do this again? Try your hardest," I begged, my voice breaking. This girl, though I had just met her yesterday, was already making an imprint on my life and to know that she was doing this broke my heart.

She let out a small sob, her eyes closed. "I don't know if I can promise that, but I can try," she whispered and I stood up, making sure the cuts were still covered before moving to pull her against my chest. I held her as she sobbed, the occasional, "I'm sorry," making its way out of her mouth. I just held her, not saying anything. What could I say?

Josh and Aaralynn walked into the room, the girl's mouth open to say something but I shot them a look saying later,  talk later. Let me comfort her for now. They understood and nodded, walking silently out of the room. Amelia didn't know they had been there, and I wasn't going to let her know they had seen her crying.

What felt like years later, she finally stopped crying and just laid there against my chest. She still shuddered with the after effects of her breakdown, her body shivering. I just ran my hand softly through her hair, hoping it would comfort her. It apparently did, since not too long later she fell asleep, most likely exhausted from the emotional overload.

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