11: Baby...?

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A/N: Heyyo! I really hope you enjoyed that last chapter, I feel as if it sucked majorly. Uugghh, writers block and forced writing sucks. But anywho, I'm going to do another time jump here cos I don't really like writing pregnancies. I feel as if when I try, they end up boring. So, I'm going to write the parts people usually look forward to, like ultrasounds, the first kick, learning the gender, all that cool stuff. And outside drama too, can't forget about Allery and those three guys who honestly, I forgot the names of except Leon lol. Crap, this is too long. Enjoy my beautiful skittles! Kisses!



It's been three months since the end of tour, and the day Tyler and I revealed that we were dating. So far, the majority of the fans have been kind, at least the ones I could hear. They still didn't know I was blind, though I don't know how we've managed to keep that a secret. I mean, I walk around all the time with a walking stick, c'mon.

But when Tyler and Josh were out, I had Ivy or Aaralynn read out the tweets about me, about Tyler's and mine relationship, and most were supportive. Of course, there were those people who thought that Tyler deserved someone better, someone prettier, but those were very few. Most had started liking me through the concerts, and many had shipped me with Tyler, like I've heard some about shipping Josh and Aaralynn, though they said Adeline, which is still her stage name.

Allery had been lying low, no sign of him or Leon and the others. The police had extra men around, the police station having been friends of mine for a few years now. They knew about the baby, and the circumstances of its creation, and decided to step up the security. I was thankful, my baby would be safe. And Tyler and Josh and Aaralynn, they all would be safe. That was all that mattered.

I was laying on the couch, my stomach ballooning nicely at 5 months along. He or she hadn't kicked yet, though the doctor said any time between 5 and 6 months, so not to worry if it didn't happen to soon. I was impatient though, I wouldn't be able to see his or her face, so I wanted to feel.

I had an ultrasound today, and Tyler was supposed to get back any time now so we could get there before two. My phone had told me not too long ago that it was one, and I still needed to change. I could do it myself, sure, but I preferred it when Tyler could help me. My back and ankles had started hurting recently, my mood swings out of control. As were my cravings, I mean, I was eating pickles and hummus with everything. I don't even like hummus!

"My beautiful girl, where are you?" Tyler sing-songed as he walked in the door and I smiled to myself, turning my head to face where the door was. "In here, Tyjo," I replied and I heard his footsteps walk closer. "How are my girls?" he asked, leaning down and brushing his lips across my forehead. He was quite set on the idea that I was having a girl, and always said as such.

I smiled amused and stretched, feeling my spine crack. "We're good, ready to go see if we're actually having a girl or not though," I said and he laughed lightly. "I already know we're having a girl, but let's go get the confirmation," he said excitedly, reaching down and carefully helping me up.

He led me down to our bedroom, letting me sit on the bed while he walked into the closet. It was really quiet, something I wasn't used to. Josh and Aaralynn had moved out, living in an apartment across the road, so it was just us two together. Tyler and Josh had moved their stuff from Ohio to live with us, since Allery knew where they lived but not us. It was safer for us to live in Denton.

"What colours do you want to wear, Lia?" Tyler asked me and I shrugged, thinking mainly of some peanut butter pickles and hummus. "Any colour, but can you get me some peanut-" "Butter pickles and hummus?" he interrupted and I flushed, nodding. "Of course, anything for you love. Here, I picked out a green t-shirt and some black jeggings, is that okay?" he asked and I nodded, taking the clothes from him and feeling the fabric.

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