9: News

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A/N: Hola Mishamigos! (Kudos if you get that and you'll be my new favourite person after Emily xD) Hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and I hope you enjoy this one too! <3 Kisses!



Another month had passed and Twenty One Pilots had their last concert for the European tour tonight. In two days, we were going to be flying to Australia to do two concerts in Sydney, one in Perth, two in Adelaide, and two in Brisbane. Then their full tour would be done, and we could go back home in America.

We would be spending a month in Australia, and I was looking forward to it. Few knew it, but under the Sleeping With Sirens, Twenty One Pilots, Pierce the Veil, Fall Out Boy and similar bands, I loved 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction, and Ed Sheeran and artists similar to them too. I wondered if I would see the 5SOS boys, and knew I couldn't see them, but it would still be interesting to meet them.

Another thing. Something that no one knew except me. I'd been throwing up all week, once a day, and it really confused me and kind of scared me. I mean, I never threw up, I hadn't thrown up since I had tonsillitis back when I was 12. I didn't want to tell Tyler, because I was 98% sure as to why I was throwing up, and I was terrified he would leave. Just another burden on him.

In the middle of the night, I had went out and walked to the store that I knew was open this time of night and asked the cashier person if they had any pregnancy tests. Luckily, they did and I bought two. I snuck back to the hotel, thankful I had made sure Josh had told me all the directions to the store without telling him why I wanted it.

I knew I was going to have trouble with the test since I couldn't actually read it, but I would have Ivy tell me. She would keep my secrets, I knew that much. We'd gotten really close over the last month, and had been more reliable than Aaralynn of late. We still hadn't made up, and she had just started avoiding me more than ever. Which just sent me into a depression and then some days I just wanted to stay in bed all day.

The next day after all the craziness and packing to get ready for Australia, I quietly took the test in secret and then went and found Ivy. I pulled her off to an area where no one was and told her the situation. She hugged me before taking the small test and then hugged me again, this time tighter. "It's positive, Lia. You're going to be a mama soon! Are you going to tell Tyler?" she asked and I shook my head terrified.

Ivy knew about the attack, and knew the circumstances behind this baby, and I knew she would support me. I knew Tyler would too, but at the same time that small voice in my head kept telling me he would leave, he would hate me, he would dump me off to the side to deal with this by myself. The rational side of me kept telling me he wouldn't but I couldn't help but be terrified.

Ivy gave me a tight hug before taking my hand and pulling me out of the room and somewhere else. The sound of the slight echo when she closed the door told me that we were now in a bathroom. "Alright, so this happened about a month and a half ago, right?" she asked me and I nodded. "So, within the next few weeks, you'll start to show, how are you going to hide that?" she asked and I frowned.

"I have several baggy shirts that'll keep me hidden until about month three, but after that, I don't know. And Tyler and I usually share a bed, he might feel the bump," I said, starting to get nervous again. "He's going to suspect. I'm going to have to tell him soon, aren't I?" I said resigned and she patted my shoulder.

"Most likely, you will. And I think he would appreciate it more if you told him rather than someone else. Now, I promise I won't say a thing, okay? I'm the only one who knows right now, right?" she asked and I nodded. "You are the only one I trust right now besides Tyler, Josh and Erick. Lynn and I are still at odds right now," I said, my frustration and sadness showing in my voice. I really missed my best friend.

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