15: Colours

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A/N: Hey my clique, how's it going? good? wonderful xD. I hope you enjoy this chapter, this is going to be hella fluffy. Some more information about what happened that day in the fire too, back when Amelia lost her sight. It's time for everyone to know the full story lol. Love ya! Kisses!



It had been three weeks since Robert, or Bobby as we called him, was born, three weeks since Tyler proposed to me. I wished I could see my nephew, my fiancé, my daughter, my best friends, but I knew I couldn't. But just being around them was enough for me, I was happy about that. I could hear my daughter giggle at whatever her dad was doing, hear Bobby's little coos as Aaralynn and Josh played with him.

I was sitting in the living room, my daughter on the floor in front of me. Josh and Bobby were in the room, the drummer talking to his son with a soft voice as he attempted to get him to eat. He was a fussy child, always moving even in his sleep. But then again, his parents were really active, so that wasn't a surprise.

Josh, Aaralynn and Tyler had been talking in secret a lot, cutting off when I walked in the room. It made me suspicious, but then Xaria would start crying, distracting me quite efficiently. I still wondered why they would be talking in secret but I decided not to think about it too much. I picked up Xaria from the floor and held her to me, letting her tug at my hair.

"Daddy and your aunt and uncle are up to something, baby girl," I said softly and she giggled, tugging at my hair again. "Do you want to know what we're up to?" Tyler asked behind me, startling me and making me jump. I turned in the direction of his voice and raised an eyebrow. "I mean, if you three are plotting something about me, of course I'll be curious," I said sarcastically and he laughed lightly, sitting next to me and taking Xaria into his arms.

"Alright, love. You'll learn about it today, actually. We have an appointment with Dr. Andrews for Xaria, and we were going to run the idea by you. We have all the details settled now, we just want your approval and go ahead," he said and I frowned. "Alright, I guess," I said and he chuckled lightly. "We're sure you'll like it," he said cryptically and I rolled my eyes, standing up and heading to the bedroom.

"I'm getting dressed!" I shouted and his reply came a few moments later, a little muffled. I shook my head and went to my closet, feeling the hems and deciding on a pair of light blue jeggings and a black t-shirt that seemed to have the symbol of Sleeping With Sirens on it. Didn't matter that I was engaged to the singer of Twenty Øne Piløts, I still loved me some Kellin Quinn.

I changed quickly, slipping on my tennis shoes and sitting at my desk to quickly brush out my hair and do some simple makeup. I could do some simple eyeliner and lip gloss, but anything else I had to have Aaralynn do because the rest dealt with colours. Once I finished that I went out to the living room, wondering where Tyler and Xaria disappeared off to.

My question was answered when they both entered the room, Xaria giggling and Tyler whispering softly to her. "Ready to go?" I asked and Tyler said, "Yep, she's all changed and ready to go, you ready?" I nodded, standing up and letting Tyler tuck my hand into his elbow and lead me out. I knew my way around, especially in this area, but I liked holding onto Tyler and Xaria.

He got us into the car and to the hospital quickly, humming a tune absentmindedly to himself as I played some My Chemical Romance The Light Behind Your Eyes and The World Is Ugly. The slower songs so it wouldn't disturb Xaria who was making random noises in the back seat. I smiled and she giggled, making my smile bigger.

Tyler parked and I bit my lip, feeling tense from the fact that this was where my attack almost 10 months ago happened. I knew it was irrational, especially since Leon promised to stay away from us and was even keeping us safe from other threats, and David and Allery weren't a problem anymore. But I couldn't help it.

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