8: London

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A/N: Welcome my fabulous people to part 8 of my story being forced onto me by BlueRain8196 !! jkjk, I'm actually kind of enjoying writing this, though I have no idea what i'm doing with it xD. Hope you enjoy this! Concert time woo! Kisses!




We finally landed at the airport, the feeling of the plane dropping several feet at once almost sending me into an anxiety attack. But I managed to breathe through it with the feeling of Tyler's fingers running softly through my hair and Josh's hand in mine. When the plane stopped, I kind of just sat there with my eyes closed, trying to remember the breathing techniques I had been taught when I was younger. They helped slightly.

Tyler and Josh helped me and Aaralynn off the plane, trying to keep us shielded from the fans who had gathered in the airport when they had heard that Twenty One Pilots were going to London. Tyler had told us that we were to walk six metres behind them to make it seem that we weren't with them, and it kind of helped, but apparently someone had taken a picture of us at the airport and we were almost recognised.

But I had switched my hoodie and was using my walking stick again, to make it a little less obvious it was me. Aaralynn had told me that she had switched her hoodie too, and we had switched sunglasses, so maybe that would help. I hoped, at least.

We made it outside and I heard Aaralynn gasp lightly. "What? What is it?" I asked, not being able to hear much since there were so many people talking- wait. "There's a ton of fans out here, isn't there," I said weakly, starting to get scared and she hummed an affirmative. "It's alright, one of Tyler's and Josh's body guards is on his way over, he looks like a normal person, but Josh had shown me a picture," she said reassuringly and I nodded, tightening my grip on her arm.

"Amelia Demothi and Aaralynn Speaks Walking?" a guy's voice asked and I nodded, feeling Aaralynn move slightly as she nodded too. "Joseph and Dun sent me to you. We'll have to go the roundabout way and sneak you into the car, since they don't want the fans to see you two just yet. Ms. Demothi, can you put your walking stick away and hold onto Ms. Speaks Walking's arm?" he asked and I nodded, collapsing the stick and placing it into my hoodie pocket.

I adjusted my grip on Aaralynn's arm and she started walking after the guy, who's name I wanted to figure out. "Excuse me, what's your name?" I asked and he said, "Erick Michaels. I've been Joseph's and Dun's bodyguard for about a year now." I nodded and refocused on trying to walk without running into anyone.

About fifteen minutes later, Erick said, "The car is just down this aisle, but there appears to be about thirty fans in the way. I don't know how they found out that was the car, but we need to find a way around it." I frowned, nerves starting to grow again. I just wanted to be somewhere closed off, not so open. Preferably with Tyler.

Aaralynn started walking again, going a different angle than before. "Curb here," she whispered and I nodded, feeling carefully before stepping over it. We walked for a little while longer, almost to where we needed to get, but then I heard, "Are those the girls that were with Tyler and Josh in Dallas?"

I panicked as I heard several people start talking, hearing several things about me and Aaralynn. "It is her! Look at this picture someone posted, that girl has the same ugly scars," one girl shouted and I flinched, lowering my head. Erick cursed and I felt him wrap his arm around us and started trying to hurry us along.

I felt several people around us, getting closer and louder. My anxiety kicked in and I froze, accidentally pulling Aaralynn to a stop. "What are you doing? You need to keep moving!" Erick hissed at us but I couldn't get myself to move. It felt several tons of pressure was pushing on me, closing in on me. I couldn't breathe.

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