13: Xaria

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 A/N: Heyyo peoples of Wattpad, how art thou? I'm going to skip a hella ton of months cos I don't want this story too long, just maybe a few more chapters. So, yeah. The last few months will be explained, but its not going to go into hella detail. Hope you enjoy! <3 Kisses!



I was 9 months pregnant now and I was hating it. My ankles hurt, my back hurt, I was moody all the damned time, and I felt fat. Really, fucking fat. I also felt bad, because I kept snapping at Tyler all the time, but I couldn't help it. He understood, but he'd been spending less and less time with me the more I would go off on him, and I felt like I was just pushing him away. I was scared he was going to hate me and leave me by time I gave birth, any day now.

It'd been 4 months since Tyler and I had gotten shot, and two months since we found out that Aaralynn was pregnant. Tyler flipped, he hadn't known that Josh and Aaralynn had slept together, but I knew. I'd thought it was obvious with how the two acted around each other now. They were more loved up, closer than before, and acted much less 'innocent' than before.

Tyler and Josh were out, Aaralynn in the kitchen raiding the cabinets. I was laying in my bed, feeling absolutely terrible. I was hurting everywhere, Tyler hadn't really spoken to me in the last three or four days, and I could feel my depression just coming back. I felt like Tyler would leave soon, leave me to raise this little girl by myself, breaking my heart. I couldn't handle it.

Another cramp rushed across my stomach, making me flinch. They had been happening constantly the last two days, and I didn't know why. I wanted to tell Tyler, but every time I tried to talk to him, he would give me some excuse and just walk away. It hurt, a lot. Josh and Aaralynn tried to talk to him, but he would give them an excuse too and disappear for a few hours.

Another cramp hit me, stronger than the others and I let out a small gasp, sitting up slightly in my bed. "Tyler? Lynn? Josh?" I called, feeling scared. I heard footsteps and hoped it was Tyler but was slightly disappointed when Aaralynn answered, "Tyler and Josh are out, what's wrong?"

Before I could answer, another pain hit me and I clutched at my side, whimpering. "Lynn, I think I'm going into labour," I whimpered and she gasped, rushing to my side. "I'll call an ambulance and the guys, we need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible," she said, pulling out her phone and I cried, "No! Not Tyler, he doesn't care anyway."

She paused and frowned. "What do you mean, Lia? Tyler cares," she asked and I leaned back, trying to breathe through the pain. "Yes, my sister is going into labour and neither of us can drive can you send an ambulance?" she asked and I closed my eyes, breathing heavily. This hurt so bad, Jesus Christ.

"Um, her water just broke," Aaralynn said worriedly and I frowned. It did? Crap. I accidentally tuned out as another contraction hit, whimpering in pain. I needed Tyler, now, but he didn't care. He didn't care.

I broke down to tears, my hand moving to rub across my face as I tensed. "Lia? Love? The ambulance is on the way, are you sure you don't want me to call Tyler? I'm going to call Josh, but I think Tyler is with him," Aaralynn asked worriedly and I whispered, "He doesn't care, don't call him. If he doesn't want to be around, he doesn't need to be."

I heard sirens come and prayed to all the gods and goddesses known to mankind that they would hurry. Another contraction ran through me and I dimly wondered if they should be that close together already. "How long as this been going on?" Aaralynn asked, sitting next to me and taking my hand.

"Since, I think, dinner yesterday? Tyler didn't notice, so I thought it wasn't a big deal," I said, squeezing her hand as another pain hit. Someone knocked on the door and Aaralynn squeezed my hand before rushing out to answer, coming back a few moments later with a few other people.

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