Chapter 6

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                                                                                *ALL UNEDITED*

"How are you doing?" She asked, slipping off her blazer. I looked up from nervously fiddling my thumbs.

"Great." I said dryly, thats obviously why I'm making an in person visit all the way across the river, because I'm great.

"How's the new job?" curiosity evident in her tone.

"As good as can be expected." I stated.

"So why are you here today Summer, on the phone it sounded urgent." She was right, it was urgent. It was just hard to begin the conversation. "How's the sex life?" she asked prodding more, knowing I needed to be coaxed out of my shell.

"Well I had sex with my boss, so.." she sighed.

"Summer, we talked about this. The whole point of changing jobs, again, was to start fresh and maintain a healthy, balanced, sex life."

"It's different this time." I said, unsure of how to explain why it was exactly different from my other rendezvous, I'd probably said this to her before as an excuse, but this time I meant it.

"How?" She asked.

"Well for starters the first time we had sex we came at the same time. That's never happened to me in all my sexual relationships, and I've had my fair share. And for another thing, I cried in front of him, literally in the middle of our second time having sex and he wasn't scared off, he just comforted me."

"Why did you cry?" she asked, concerned.

"He told me, to call him Daddy." I stated. She already knew why that had thrown me over the edge.

"I see. So you think this makes it healthier than your other relationships? How did you leave after sex?"

"I can't remember the last time I was in a healthy relationship, but it definitely felt more natural and eased. Like a friendship. And I slipped out in the morning without him knowing, that's how we usually do it." I know it sounded bad, but I wasn't one for after delight pleasantries and I figured neither was he, and on top of that I had mortified myself already.
"So it's like a one night stand still. Why don't you just be friends with him?"

"Because he's insanely attractive." I replied.

"I think you should try not having sex with him anymore, and find out where the friendship leads. See if you still want to sleep with him after you've really gotten to know him." She said, writing something down in her notebook. "Yes, that will be your homework." Homework? What, was I in high school again?

"I already tried that." I said simply.

"Try harder, take the rest of this week to let it play out and see if you can do it. Lets meet next Thursday to reflect." I nodded and stood up, waving a goodbye and trying to find my way out of this maze of an office space. On the drive home I'd considered what she'd said, was she right? Would I even want to fuck Beau after knowing what he was really like outside of sex? it could be a tortures experiment, but nonetheless, something I needed to do.

I walked into the office that morning, ready to work and explore a platonic friendship with Beau until I saw him. He was just so beautiful. I paused in the doorway, not wanting to be seen yet. He hadn't noticed me. He was wearing a white button up shirt with the tie lose and the collar unbuttoned at the top. His hair was messy, but in the most attractive way. I'd never noticed how long his eyelashes were. I scoffed to myself, of course he even had perfect lashes. Apparently I hadn't scoffed to myself, but out loud and he heard it. His head shot up and he gave me a scowl.

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