Chapter 7.

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Lauren's POV

...I've never been this confused my entire life. It's strange how someone can treat you like the dirt beneath their shoe one day, then treat you like a close friend the next. Instead of feeling better about myself, it only makes me feel like shit in reality. It makes me think about the way the human mind works and how society can influence your mind just so you're a better fit. There's this empty feeling inside my chest as I walk down these halls and realize that every smile and kind word that is offered to me is just because they pity me, because my mother has passed away. Then I ponder about two weeks from now and how every single kind word will turn into a witty insult and glare because let's face it, the superiors will always influence the minds of others. The jocks will remain jocks, the cheerleaders and athletes will remain the schools number one topic, the cliques will continue to spread rumors and gossip, and I will just remain the pathetic excuse of a student attending Miami High. Then again, maybe I should enjoy the way people seem to actually pay me some attention and make me feel like a normal person for once, instead of mistake to humanity. Enjoy the fame and glory while you can, Lauren. It won't last...

"What on earth have you been writing for the past half hour?" My breathe hitches inside the back of my throat and I slam the journal shut, my wide eyes looking up to see both Lucy and Dinah walking towards me. I swallow hard and carefully tuck the book into my duffel bag, rubbing my sweaty hands against my softball jersey.

"It's my journal," I state with a small smile, taking in the bathed blonde who had finally walked out of the locker room after almost an hour. I look down at my dirty stockings and pants, frowning softly as I realize how much of a mess I must look like. Lucy smirks and nods softly, fully intending to embarrass me further while she comments.

"Your new diary I suppose?" The girl laughs softly and the sound makes me roll my eyes, eliciting a small smile from me as her and Dinah clap each other up. I swing the duffel bag over my shoulder and hold my bat in one hand, tossing my old glove into my bag before standing.

"Maybe it is, leave me alone." There's a hint of humor in my voice and I reach both girls as we walk down the end of the hallway.

"You're a mess," Dinah sighs, ruffling my hair before tucking a strand of my curly raven locks behind my ear. I frown and curl a strand on my index finger, realizing it was so moist with sweat is was beginning to curl up. I hate my hair. "You haven't even showered, gross."

"Who gives a shit?" I laugh softly, rolling my eyes when Lucy pinches her nose and gags. Together, we walk down the end of the sidewalk where a few scattered cars were parked after dismissal. "Practice is finally over and I get to shower at home in peace."

Both girls look amused at my response as we walk through the school's exit, deciding to walk since Ally was staying until six today and Normani was going to wait for her. As much as we wanted to stay, both girls insisted we get home and they would meet us there after. Dinah's house wasn't too far from the school so it wouldn't take long before we got there.

"You guys should sleep over," Dinah comments, glancing at me as I look up at her with furrowed brows. Lucy's dark eyes flicker between my emerald ones and Dinah's hazel ones.

"It's a school night," She mutters, kicking a rock of her way as she walks in front of us both.

"There's a pep rally tomorrow, we leave early anyways." Dinah shrugs, "What's three hours gonna do to our record?" The girl teases, rolling her eyes. "You both brought clean clothes, and if anything, I have clothes that'll fit you both."

"I'm down," I shrug, running a hand through my hair. Dinah smiles softly and nods, glancing up at Lucy with narrowed eyes. I shove Lucy and she turns around abruptly, crossing her arms over her chest as I give her a playful smile. "C'mon, don't be a little bitch."

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