The Next Morning

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January 8th,2016

Liza's POV
I wake up and I see that David is next to me. Shirtless. I look around and see that our clothes are everywhere. I'm so confused. I look under the covers and I see that we are naked. I wasn't surprised at all. I remembered what happened last night. I get up go in the shower and clean every sin I did from yesterday. I finish showering and I go change I look at the clock and it's 10 minutes till 9 so basically it's 8:50 I make breakfast and it's 9:25 I go to the room and wake up David.

Liza- Babe. Hey you wake up. Now. I love you.
David- *smiles* I love you to.

David opens his eyes and looks at me he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

David- Good Morning sunshine.
Liza- Good Morning babe
David- How are you.
Liza- Well my back is kinda sore. And my legs well you know.
David- Hahahahaha now how did that happened. He says with a smirk on his face.
Liza- Oh I don't it happened by me and my boyfriend having sex. Anyways get up I made you breakfast.
David- okay. He said laughing

David's POV
I was eating breakfast with Liza. Then there's this look on Liza's Face.

David- yes? What's going on? Your scaring me.
Liza- David. Last night.
David- uh huh? What about last night.
Liza- Did we use you know PROTECTION.
David- Oh Shitttt. Oh my god.
Liza- yeah.
David- Do you want to go to the store to get a pregnancy test or something?
Liza- yeah let's go.

Liza's POV
I run to my room and change quickly I just grab shorts and a black shirt and vans. David just puts on what he wore yesterday. We go to David's car and drive to CVS. On our way to CVS I was thinking. What if I get pregnant. Would David Leave me ? Would I be a single mother? Will me and David breakup? I try to not over think but it's killing me. I turn to where David is and I look at him.

Liza- David?
David- Yes babe.
Liza- What would you do if I was pregnant.
David- Liza honestly look. I would be scared to have a child right now but actually I would love to have a child with you because honestly look I know I know we've been dating for a while. But I would like to have a family with you. I feel like your the one. I would take care of you no matter what. If you are pregnant my first priority would be you and the child. I love you to death never think that I will leave you cause your pregnant.
Liza- awe babe thanks I really needed that right now I was thinking like I thought that you would leave me and stuff.
David- that will never happen.
Liza- thank you babe.
David- no problem

David's POV
We arrive to CVS and Liza grabs 3 different types of pregnancy tests. We go to the check out place and the cashier gives me a dirty look. But at the same time she looks Confused. To make it not weird and awkward Liza talks.

Liza- I hope we have a child babe.
David- Yeah I hope so.

The cashier is surprised and gives me a smile.

Cashier-Well here you go. And good luck.
Liza- awe thank you.
David- thank you.

We leave the store and me and Liza are laughing for some reason.
( Time Lapse )
We arrive to Liza's apartment and Liza takes the test. We wait for 5 minutes. In one of those minutes Liza says she feels kinda nauseous. Five minutes are up we look at the tests and they all say negative.
Liza- Whew thank god I was kinda scared there.
David- oh um okay.
Liza- are you okay babe.
David- yeah I was just hoping for us to have a child. But maybe next time.
Liza- Don't worry it will happen one day.
David- yeah it will. Anyways didn't you say you feel kinda nauseous.
Liza- Was. My head is starting to hurt. Usually When I get bad head aches I feel kinda nauseous.
David- ohh okay. Do you want some Advil?
Liza- please and thank you.
David- no problem anything for my princess.


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