Day Two surviving without her

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February 11th 2016

David's POV
I'm currently at my moms house and it's so boring. All we are doing is talking and playing board games. Yeah I know I barely see my family and I do love them very much but I wish Liza was here. She would make this place 500x funner. 2 more days left until I see... WAIT TODAYS THE 11TH AND IN 2 DAYS IT'S THE 13TH AND THEN 14TH IS VALENTINE'S DAY. How could I forget. I have to get something for Liza because once my plane lands which takes a day so it would be 3 days it's Valentine's Day. Oh my lord. Okay I need to start planning what to get her because she's an amazing girlfriend. Okay before I go to the airport I'm going to buy her stuff from here and take it to her. She might like candy from here, or I also can get her gifts from here or I can get her flowers, or also a teddy bear and a balloon or maybe I can buy all of them and give it to her I'll just buy the balloons and flowers when I arrive to LA.  Also I'm going to write her a card. My thoughts get interrupted by Toby.

David- Sure buddy.

We go upstairs and play with the toys until Toby asks me a question.

Toby- So how's Liza?
David- she's okay
Toby- cool...... David?
David yeah bud?
Toby- look I know I'm kinda young and I don't need to ask you this but I want to. How did you fall in love with Liza? Like what's love like?
David- it's okay you can ask me anything but right now let me answer your question. First of all love.... Well we don't intend to fall in love with the person we just do but unexpectedly. When you least expected it you fall in love. Once you fall in love everything that you see in that person the jokes, smile, pet peeves, whatever it is about them you start to fall more in  love with the person.  Love is like a happy feeling because they might like you back of whatever it is you just get more happier but at the same time love can be pain. Love can be pain because maybe the other person doesn't "like you back" or their just giving mixed signals. But Love is mostly a happy feeling.
Toby- wow thank you for answering my first question I didn't know.
David- it's okay now let me answer your other question. Okay Now here are the reasons why I fell in love with Liza. How I met her was that a friend of mine invited me to eat lunch with her so I can meet this new girl that girl was Liza. When I first saw her I instantly unexpectedly loved her smile her jokes her voice how she wasn't a person that judges she's nice and I don't know I got that feeling that I liked her. We both stared at each other holding hands and we both didn't know it. My friend named Gabbie that introduced me to her was watching us. Me and Liza sat down next to each other and once we started talking and talking more next thing you know I was flirting and she was flirting back, and time passed by and she had to leave once she left. Gabbie told me that she notice that I liked her and that Liza liked me. So next thing you know me and Liza started getting closer to each other and next thing you know we are dating.
Toby- that's cool how yo met Liza. Also what's flirting?
David- flirting is like when you try to get the person to like you or you are probably getting  to touchy with them or you get really close to them like some times we don't know that we are flirting it just happens to be so that you were flirting without knowing it. If that makes any sense.
Toby- it kinda does but thanks for answering all my questions. Also David I hope you know your the best big brother I love you so much. Your basically the only  one that understands me. He's says jokingly.
David- no problem little boy.


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