Just me and him day pt 2

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David's POV
We are almost at target and I thought of gross stuff and my boner went away. 5 minutes later we arrive to talrget and walk around but mainly go to the toys section. Me and Liza are playing with kids toys and the bouncy balls. While we were playing Liza was talking. While she was talking in my head I was thinking that I'm so lucky to have her in my life. I didn't know what I do to deserve her. Everything about her Is amazing. I love her attitude, her puns, her sass, her style, her body, everything about her is just amazing, and I love the fact that I have her by my side and I'm lucky to call her mine. My thoughts then get interrupted by Liza screaming My name.

Liza- DAVID!
David- HUH oh what
Liza- You were staring at me and smiling for the past 2 minutes. What were you doing?
David- oh nothing I was just thinking.
Liza- thinking about what?
David- um about you. Hehe
Liza- what were you thinking about me?
David- How beautiful, amazing human being you are and that I am happy that I got to have you in my life
Liza- awe babe your are The best I don't know what I would do without you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
David- I love you so much.
Liza- And I love you more
David- no I love you more
Liza- no I do
David- no I do
Liza- I guess that means that we are both deeply in love with eachother.
David- I guess so.
Liza- haha. Anyways what do you want to do?
David- I don't Know what would you want to do today?
Liza- I don't. Let's go to Gabbie's and annoy her and then go to lunch and watch a movie?
David- Sounds good.

Liza's POV
Me and David are going to Gabbie's house to see what we can do there. We arrive and Gabbie greets us
Liza- I missed you so much gabbie.
Gabbie- I miss you too and david too as a friend though haha.
David- hahaha I missed my big annyoing friend.
Liza- DAVID!
Gabbie- don't worry Liza are friendship has always been like that and it doesn't bother me.
Liza- I know I just said that for him to shut up
Gabbie- David can never shut up
Liza- I know right.
David- may I remind you guys I'm over here
Liza and Gabbie- I know we were just messing around.
David- hahahaha. Anyways what have you been up to ?
Gabbie- nothing just filming videos and having crazy uber driver experiences
Liza- really tell us some me and David were bored and we cane here to talk to you
Gabbie- hahaha sure
*time lapse*
Liza- wow that's really creepy
Gabbie I know right

I look at the clock and it's 6 I'm pretty hungry so I ask David if we can leave so we could eat he says yes and we give our goodbyes to Gabbie.

Liza- bye Gabbie
David- see Yah
Gabbie- bye Liza bye David see you guys another day.
Liza- okay byee

We leave Gabbie's place and choose a random place to eat. We arrive to the place order our food and eat. We once finish eating.

David- So do you still want to go to the movies or nah?
Liza- mmmm no I'm kinda tired.
David- I understand we can go another day if you would like.
David- what's the idea
Liza- let's go to your apartment so you can pick up some clothes and we drive back to my place and watch a movie and you can spend the night over again.
David- I like that idea let's go so I can get some clothes.

David's POV
We arrive to my place I go in and pick some clothes so I can take them with me. I have a little grocery bag with clothing. I Go outside were I was parked where Liza was waiting for me, go in and drive off to Liza's place. On our way home one of my hands were on the steering wheel and the other on Liza's thigh. We get to her place we change Into our Pajamas. We go into her room but we are not gonna do anything we are just going to get her laptop put on Netflix choose a movie and cuddle. Then we are going to fall asleep.

*time lapse*

The movie finished and it was 11 Liza already feel asleep so I put her laptop back on her desk turn off the lights and go to sleep. When i closed my eyes I smile knowing that Liza was by my side and I had her and that I was able to call her mine. I drift off to sleep. This is another Best day of life. Well every tine  I'm with Liza is the best day of my life. Which is basically everyday.


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