Chapter 1

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Just putting random pictures of Mark at the top,they don't have anything to do with the story usually :p

Your POV

I opened my eyes at the sound of a car horn outside. I leaped out of bed and looked at the time.
I was late.

I quickly threw on a blue t-shirt,black leggings,and some black boots,grabbed my bag and ran out the door.
"Wow,late again. Good job." My best friend,Samantha said,putting the car in reverse and pulling out of my driveway.

I rolled my eyes and held my hand out the window of her silver Tahoe. I zoned out and thought about my usual suicidal thoughts and 15 minutes later we pulled up to the coffee shop where I worked. I sighed as I got out of the car,plastered a fake smile on my face,and waved goodbye to Samantha. It's always the same thing everyday. Wake up,work,home,eat,sleep,repeat. My life is just that over and over and over again.

I stepped inside only to be faced with my angry boss. He was a perfectionist,of course. It would be too easy for me to have a boss who was actually chill. Sometimes I just wanted to slap him across the face and tell him that life isn't fair and not everything can be perfect,but we all know why I can't do that.

"You're late,Y/N. Again." He said, grinding his teeth with impatience. I shrugged and put on my apron. I knew by the way he was still looking at me that he wanted a explanation for my tardiness but I wasn't going to give him one. Being too depressed to get out of bed isn't a good enough excuse for him. Or anybody else.

I put on my fake smile and got to work. My boss eventually left me alone to deal with the morning customers.

I turned around to get someone a straw and when I turned back around I saw my boyfriend, Alex,sitting at one of the tables staring at me. I told him countless times not to come see me at work so I knew this had to be important. I turned to one of my co-workers and told them I'd be right back so I took off my apron and walked over to him.

"Hey,Y/N." Alex said. I sat down across from him,not waiting for an invitation.
"What's up?" I said dryly.

"I wanted to tell you something." He stated,"I'm breaking up with you."

I felt my face pale and tears found their way to my eyes even before I could process what he said. Alex couldn't break up with me. We've been together for three years. We had a date planned this Saturday and he was going to meet my parents this Sunday. "W-what do you mean?" I whispered, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Did I stutter? I'm breaking up with you." He said cruelly, his voice cold. "When I started dating you you were different. You talked to me every day and you were popular and beautiful. Now look at you." He gestured to me,"you're a mess. You don't call and we don't talk often and when I see you you act sad. If you're asking for attention you aren't gonna get it from me. To be honest, I always knew you were worthless. We're done." Alex angrily stood up and left.

He left me. Sitting there alone. With my mouth hanging open and tears streaming down my cheeks.

I ran to the bathroom and closed the door. After hitting the wall multiple times I stood in front of the mirror, leaning on the sink and staring at the broken person in front of me.

My e/c eyes were red and puffy and my h/c hair was tangled. I looked broken, but I didn't feel a thing. I should be sobbing uncontrollably and begging him to take me back but at the moment all I could do was sink to the floor and stare at my hands. My motivation was gone,and so was my purpose.

All I wanted to do what sleep and never wake up. So I would. I didn't care who found me, I just wanted to escape. Even if it was temporally. I looked beside me and conveniently found a glass shard. I picked it up and effortlessly dragged it across my arm. The skin parted and blood flowed out in a crimson river and after many cuts I passed out.

When I woke up all I saw was white. "Am I dead?" I thought. A few moments later I heard a consistent beeping sound and my vision came into focus. I was in a hospital bed with my arms bandaged and tubes coming out of them. The only person in the room was a raven haired man asleep on a brown chair in the corner.

He must have heard me shift my position because he quickly woke up and hurried over to me. "W-where am I?" I asked stupidly.

"Shh it's ok. Calm down. You're in a hospital but you're gonna be ok." The man said. He voice was deep and smooth,calming even.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I began to panic.

"Hey hey it's ok. You're ok." The man touched my cheek and smiled. He had chocolate brown eyes and a short black beard. His hands were rough but gentle and his smile was kind.

He made his words very clear and precise, "My name is Mark and I found you in the bathroom of a coffee shop with your arms cut and bleeding. I took you here"

Everything came back to me. The break up. The glass. The urge to get away. I felt the walls closing back in and my
breathing became fast and short.

"No it's ok. Calm down. Everything's ok." Mark said in a calm tone. I saw flashing colors all around me. Everything was too big and too small. Too colorful and then too dull. My head began to spin and right before I thought I could pass out again I felt Mark hold my hand and I came back into focus. He repeated those words over and over and my breathing steadied.

Right then a nurse walked in and Mark stood up to face her. She held papers in one hand and a pen in the other.

"Ok. She's free to go. I just need you to sign these,Mr.Fischbach."The nurse said formally,handing Mark the papers. He looked back and forth between me and the papers a few times before signing them and handing them back to the lady. He then returned to his chair as the nurse took the tubes out of my arms and helped me stand up.

I felt Mark watching me as I walked across the room. He quickly stood up and opened the door for me. "Here you are, m'lady." He said,flashing a charming smile. I blushed and left the room.

I stumbled many times as we walked down the hallway, almost as if I'd forgotten how to walk, which was absurd because no injury had happened to my legs, but every time Mark would steady me.

When we eventually got out the door I turned to him and said,"Um,my name is Y/N by the way."

"I know." Mark smiled,"I was on the hospital papers. That's a very beautiful name." Nobody had ever told me that before. Not even my parents. I had wondered why they named me Y/N if they didn't even think it was a nice name. I had always just assumed their creativity ran out after naming 4 other kids. They didn't really care about me anyway. I was the disappointment child.

"Thanks." I said, blushing again,"Um...I....uh....I don't really have a car....and my house keys are in my bag,which I don't have." I awkwardly looked at the ground,avoiding his knowing eyes.

"You can come home with me if you want." Mark said. I nodded. I have no idea why I felt safe enough with this man that I would go home with him,but I felt like I could trust him. Something about him was different.

But all I knew is that I couldn't let myself develop feelings for him.

Depression's Key (MarkiplierXReader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now