Chapter 3

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That picture kills ^

Mark's POV

The game eventually moved on,but I didn't. Her lips were so soft and innocent. I know that kiss wasn't real. I know I can do better, but if we weren't meant to be, why did it feel so right?

About 15 minutes later we decided to stop the game and head to bed. I honestly didn't what this night to end. I enjoyed being with her,seeing her eyes shine, hearing her laugh. She was simply amazing.

"Mark? MARK?!" Jack said punching my shoulder,"Snap out of it. It's time to go to bed."

"Wha- oh. Sorry." I replied, standing up from the now empty floor. I must have zoned out. I went upstairs, my thoughts transitioning from Y/N to YouTube. I hadn't uploaded anything today,but luckily I had some extra videos to put up. To be honest, I haven't felt up to making videos lately. I've just been too depressed. I hadn't laughed like I did today in a long long time.

I opened my bedroom door and my face turned bright red when I saw Y/N sitting on MY bed in MY lucky flannel in MY room. I had forgotten that she was sleeping in here. I wanted nothing more than to sleep in bed with her but, to be polite, I would need to offer to sleep on the floor. I don't want to make her uncomfortable in any way.

She looked up from her phone and smiled shyly, her face was also a cute shade of pink.

"H-hi." She said in that beautiful voice,"Um sorry. I didn't bring any clothes and uh.."

"It's all good." I interrupted,returning her smile and walking over to the bed,"I'll sleep on the floor."

"Oh,you don't need to do that. This is your house. I'll sleep on the floor."

"No,m'lady. This may be my house but you are my guest." I flashed her a charming smile and her face turned as red as the flannel she's wearing.

"T-thanks." She stuttered, handing me one of the pillows on the bed. I went to the closet and got a blanket and when I came back she was already snuggled up under the covers. She was so adorable.
I turned out the light and laid down on the floor next to the side of the empty side of the bed,still wondering if she would mind if I crawled in there with her. Minutes later the arms of sleep pulled me in and I was knocked out.

I don't know how long I was asleep before I heard crying and screaming. I sat up quickly and saw Y/N squirming and crying in her sleep. I quickly woke her up.

Your POV (sorry for the quick switch)

I was awake to hear Mark turn off the lights but soon after I fell asleep. It only felt like moments later that I woke up in a different place.

I was at home,with my parents and siblings. My brothers and sisters where sitting on the old leather couch watching a tv show that I didn't recognize and my parents were at the dinner table,leaning over a bunch of papers. Suddenly my dad stood up and walked over to me and my mother followed close behind him.

"What's this?!" He said, holding a report card in my face with a mixture of B+'s and C's.

"I-I tried." I said,tears coming to my eyes.

"Well,obviously you didn't try hard enough." My mom said cruelly,"You're such a failure. You'll never amount to anything."

"She's so worthless." My dad mumbled,dropping the card and walking back to the table. I ran into the bathroom and opened the cabinet above the sink and pulled out a silver blade. I wasn't controlling my body when I dragged it across my arms. Three fresh cuts appeared with an unnatural amount of blood pouring out.

The next place I was was in Alex's house. I used to live there before I decided I needed to be alone and bought my own house. I was sitting in the living-room watching another brain-numbing TV show that I didn't recognize when he came in holding an open letter. The threw it at me and I had enough time to look at it and see if was an electricity bill before he pulled me up by my hair and pushed me against the wall.

"What is that?!" He said angrily,pointing to the envelope on the floor.

"An electri-"
"ITS 200$ YOU BITCH." He yelled,slapping me across the face. I knew he had just lost his temper because I spent my time sleeping, not using electricity. It was him who always played his stupid video games and me earning the most of money to keep us alive.

"I-I'm sorry." I said,tears streaming down my cheeks.

"You're so WORTHLESS." He yelled once more,throwing me to the ground and walking away. It was then that I felt a hand shake me awake from this horrible nightmare. I turned over,shaking and sobbing,only to look into Mark's gorgeous brown eyes.

"Shh,it's ok. You'll be ok." He said in the same tone as he said yesterday. I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and pulled him down next to me on the bed. He didn't seem to mind. He just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer as I leaned my head against his bare chest. His heart beat was a slow calming rhythm that cradled me out of my panic. I felt his warm breath on the top of my head as he continued to whisper,"It's ok. Everything is ok now. I'm here."

Mark's POV

I felt a mixture of excitement, contentment, and fear as I held this girl so close. I felt her warm breath against my chest,leaving a tingling feeling after every exhale. Slowly her breathing steadied and she fell asleep.

Meanwhile,I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to close my eyes,lest this be a dream. I wanted to keep this moment,as horrible and painful as it must be for her,I wanted it to stay.Her in my arms, with me, forever.

And now I know that I am falling for Y/N

Sorry for the short chapters,guys. I'm trying to put as many out there as I can so you can stay interested. I know this fanfic is a piece of crap but I'm TRYING. This is the first one I've written so cut me some slack :p
Love u guys! And I'll see you in the next chapter
Bye bye! :D

Depression's Key (MarkiplierXReader) Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora