Chapter 9

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K so ya'll,you know I put smut warnings in this book and there isn't a smut warning in this chapter,but there is some teasing so don't worry.ILL TELL U WHEN SOME SEXY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.

Your POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. Actually,to be more accurate,the feeling. I rolled over and pulled it out of my back pocket and saw 2 pictures from Samantha. It was a selfie of her and Jack sitting on the couch. Jack was making a goofy face and Samantha was sticking out her tongue. In the second one Jack was kissing Samantha's cheek and her face was bright red with blush. I smile and looked at when it was sent.

"12:00am?" I mumbled. Wow they were up late. I rolled back over only to be nose to nose with a smirking Mark. His hair was ruffled up and his chest was bare. He looked rather sexy to say the least. "And what are you doing awake at..." Mark looked at the clock beside the bed "1am,young lady?" He had a deep,raspy morning voice and I had to force myself no to look down to see if his chest wasn't the only thing that was bare.

"N-nothing." I stuttered,looking into his chocolate brown eyes. His smirk widened and I felt his hand touch my side and he pulled me closer. Memories came back to me from last night. Walking in the park,going to the hill,Mark asking me to be his girlfriend. I have a faint memory of falling asleep while looking at the stars so Mark must have carried me home.

"It must be uncomfortable sleeping with jeans on." He said in a seductive tone,"Would you like me to help you take them off?" Shivers ran down my spine at the feeling of his warm breath on my neck. I laid my head on the pillow and he crawled on top of me. He pulled my jeans off and I felt something rub against my leg which confirmed my suspicious.

Yes. Mark was indeed in the nude.

He kissed my neck softly,sucking at licking at certain areas before moving onto others. I let out a quiet moans and I could hear Mark chuckle.

"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADD-" someone opened the door and screamed,"OH SHIT GUYS IM SO SORRY..." That person was obviously Jack. Mark jumped at the sound of his voice and almost fell off the bed.
"What the hell,man?!?!" He yelled,pulling the sheets up to hide his body. I started laughing uncontrollably and fell off the bed and onto the floor with a thud. Fortunately I had a shirt and underwear on because Jack stared at me,clearing trying not to laugh and Mark looked extremely unamused.

"Sorry for intruding." Jack snorted and I laughed harder,"I just wanted to let you know that I...uh...spent the night with Samantha."
To tell you the truth,I didn't know why I was laughing so hard. Or why everything was so funny all of the sudden. But I remembered Mark's face when Jack walked in screaming and rolled around on the floor shaking and clapping like a retarded seal. I felt like I was going to die.

Mark squinted at me like I was a crazy person (oh but I am) and returned his attention to Jack,who was also shaking with laughter as he watched tears stream down my face as I held my sides in agony.
"W-well what I was gonna tell you guys.." Jack stuttered,taking a deep breath,"I'm not going back home today. I've decided to stay longer if that's ok."

A bunch of blurry thoughts passed through my throbbing head.
Mark told me they were supposed to be leaving today
Riding a plane home?
Leaving today
Told me
Mark's face oh my gosh
I broke into another fit of laughter and Mark sighed. I thought he has shaking his head but tears were blocking my vision.

"Well that's cool Jack. Are you staying here?" Mark asked.
"If you'll let me I will. I was hoping to..uh...stay with Samantha but I don't think I know her well enough yet." Jack answered nervously.
I finally stopped laughing and laid on the floor,dead. Giggling every few seconds and trying not to think about Mark's expression.

Depression's Key (MarkiplierXReader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now