The Heart's Lock

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"It was a dream."

The four words I kept telling myself as I boarded a plane and flew to New York City to continue my life in the sickening silence of regret. I avoided Mark's YouTube channel at all costs but,the night before the day I left, I relapsed and watched a video of his. A vlog. Just anything to hear the voice of the man I was in love with...

"Hello everybody,my name is Markiplier." The video began. As if programmed into me,I zoned off just watching him. The way he smiled. The way he laughed. The way he spoke and moved. I was intrigued in his hands and arms,the same hands that would hold mine and the same strong,capable arms that would wrap around me during the night-

"I'm moving to New York!" His words had caught me off guard and I jumped a little,knocking my backpack off of my bed and onto the floor.
"Yew York?" I murmured to myself as I sat on the one person bed of my cramped old bedroom,the light of the computer illuminating my face. Looking back,it was a bad idea to watch that at night. Needless to say,I didn't sleep a wink.

Just to be sure,I picked up my ticket off of my nightstand and held it close to the computer so I could read it. Yep. I was going to New York too.
"But it's not that big of a deal." I had told myself.

"New York is huge. It's not liked he'd move in next door to me."

Hey guys,Player here.

So I've decided to write a sequel!!!

I definitely decided to write this because I wanted to and not because of the numerous amount of threats I've received from you psychopaths. Yeah. Yeah that's why I'm writing this.

But in all seriousness,I'm really looking forward to writing this for you guys. I'm so thankful to have friends and/or fans (whatever you guys are) that love my writing. But now that you guys know my writing style,feel free to make suggestions and people you want to see during the next book!

Anyway,thank you all so much for reading,and I will see YOU
In the next book.
Bye bye!

Depression's Key (MarkiplierXReader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now