Chapter 12

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I sat next to Samantha and the boys joined close behind with many pieces of pizza on their plate. I took a bite out of mine and almost choked when I saw a familiar face sitting a few seats away from us.


"So I guess your ship name would be Sack?" Mark teased (Thanks Edible_Markiplier . I was thinking Sam but Sack will work -_-)
"Mark! S-shut up!" Jack stuttered.
Samantha giggled and said "Like....l-like ball sack?" Mark erupted into a fit of laughed and despite my state of both shock and panic at seeing Alex,I smiled. Mark has a way of doing that. Making me smile.

"Y/N,are you ok?" Mark asked "You look really pale."
I realized I had been staring at Alex and my hands began to shake when he turned to look over at us- or me,rather,- with his emerald green eyes shining with curious surprise. And not the good kind.

"Y-yeah." I finally said as I stood up,clumsily knocking over the salt shaker. "I-I just....gotta use the bathroom."
I ignored their puzzled stares and headed in the bathroom's direction. Unfortunately it was one bathroom for both genders and,for some reason,that scared me. Probably because my rapist,abusive ex-boyfriend was in the same building as me and the gender separation couldn't save me.

I went in anyway and tried to lock the door. It didn't work. Great. This just keep getting better and better.

Obviously I would be much safer if I went back to the car or even to my seat so I decided I'd do that. But as I opened the door and stepped out I ran into none-other than said ex-boyfriend.
"Hey there,Y/N. How are you doing?" He growled as he shoved me back into the room,closing the door behind him.
"G-Go away. You b-broke up with me s-so l-leave me alone!" I tried to say strongly. It didn't work because he only chuckled in response as he backed me against the far wall and put his hands on my hips.

He had always referred to me as predictable. I always stayed quiet when I was scared or felt like I was in danger. I never changed much and was always submissive to doing what he wanted me to do.

But what he did know is that I had changed over the past week.

I punched him in the stomach and screamed as loud as I could. Alex doubled over for a moment and gasped but as soon as he regained himself he put a hand over my mouth. "You're gonna pay for that,sweetheart." He growled as he put his hand up my shirt. I tried to push his hands away but he pinned mine above my head and held them there with one hand. He took his other hand off of my mouth and began unbuttoning my jeans. I opened my mouth to scream again bug he stopped me by slamming his lips into mine.

Just then the bathroom door swung open and Mark grabbed Alex and slammed him into the wall opposite from me.
"VICTORIA'S SECRET,BITCH!" Samantha screamed as she sprayed perfume in his eyes. Mark started kicking and punching him mercilessly and after a few moment Jack grabbed Mark around the waist from behind and pulled him away from the bloody noses,bruised man who had been so confidant about hurting me only minutes before.

Alex fell to the dirty tile floor and groaned as he rubbed his burning eyes with his palms. Mark screamed curses as Jack tried his best to keep him away. Many of the restaurant employees had come to see what was going on and somebody called the police.

Meanwhile,tears streamed down my cheeks and I held my hands in front of my torso. The bathroom had become pretty crowded so I managed to fight my way through the people and found a storage closet nearby. The whole place was in such a frantic,chaotic state that nobody noticed me to in there. I crouch in the corner with my knees to my chest and slowly rock back and forth as I try to block out memories and regain a steady breath pattern.

"Hey,you ok?" A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Samantha come in and sit on the floor beside me.
"Yeah." I sniffed.
"You shouldn't have run off. We didn't know where you went and that got us scared." She said in a very quiet,calming voice.
"I-I know." I said,taking a shaky breath,"I just h-had to get out of there.."
"Oh ok. That's alright. I know you must have been so scared." She soothed "I think Mark is still looking for you. He beat the pulp out of Alex and when the cops got there Jack dragged him outside to get a fresh breath of air."

I couldn't help but giggle at the image of Jack,who's smaller than Mark,dragging him out,kicking and screaming.
"Oh yeah,did you like my Victoria's Secret line?" Samantha asks,laughing.
"Oh my gosh yes!" I break out into a fit of laughter "It was majestic."

We both laugh for many minutes until a booming voice comes from the doorway.
"Y/N! What the hell are you doing here?!" Mark yells. We both shoot up and my 'best friend' pelvic thrusts past Mark out of the storage room

"I-I just-" I began,but was cut off when a pair of strong,protective arms wrapped around me.
"I didn't know where you were! You didn't tell me what was wrong! He could have killed you! Don't you understand that?!?" He releases me from the hug and grabbed onto my shoulders,shaking me franticly. I whimpered and he stops. Mark let's me go and sighs as he runs his hand through his hair,whether out of frustration or realization I don't know.

"I-I'm sorry,Y/N." He says,turning his back to me for a moment. I bit my lip and question what to say. I don't know if my reason for escaping the frightening scene is good enough to tell him and,deep inside,I knew he was just worried about me and was exaggerating.

I hugged him tightly and he hesitated for a moment before hugging me back. We held each other for many minutes and I felt him shaking slightly. Was he crying?
"Mark..." I whispered as I tried to break the hug. He only held me tighter. I forced him to back away and saw that his eyes were puffy and red and I few tears lingered on his slightly pink cheeks. The sight of him like this could easily break my heart.

I cupped his face in my hands and wiped his tears with my thumbs,just like he'd do for me. He sniffed and his bottom lip quivered.
"I-I'm so sorry h-he d-did that to you..." He whispered in a shaky voice,another tear escaping his chocolate brown eyes.
"Shh. It's not your fault." I soothed,bringing his face closer to mine so our foreheads touched. I tried my best not to cry. That's the last thing that would help Mark right now.

"B-But it h-happened and I w-w-wasn't there t-to help..." He whimpered.
"Mark. It fine. I'm fine. Everything is ok." I said. Mark's breathing became rapid and he pulled out of my grasp and paced around franticly.
"I-I can't breath!" He gasped. He was having a panic attack.
"Mark. Mark,baby. Sweetie calm down. Sit down." I told him,trying to stay calm. More tears escaped his eyes and I forced him to sit down on the cold cement floor.

"Deep breaths. Inhale,exhale." I instructed. His eyes were open wide in panic and he grips my hand tightly.
"I can't!" He squeaks. I didn't know what to do so I did the one thing I could do.

I leaned in and kissed him gently,not backing away until I heard his breathing steady. When I finally did pull away he looked at me with surprise,his mouth hanging open slightly.
I just sat there and looked at him,not knowing what to say or do. I was both surprised and thankful that it worked.

After a few seconds Mark pulled me into another kiss. This one,loving and gentle.

"I love you,Y/N." Mark said when we finally broke apart. His voice was somewhat husky and a few tears stains were on his face.

"I love you too."

Depression's Key (MarkiplierXReader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now