Chapter 21

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I heart a high pitched beeping sound get louder as I slowly drifted back into consciousness. My eyes flutter open but I quickly need to close them again until my eyes adjust to the light. When I decide to open them again I find that I'm in a white,too-clean hospital room with a heart monitor to my right.

I slowly sit up,wincing at my sore muscles,and look around. Nobody else is in there. The door is closed and random pieces of furniture sat around. I spot a window on the wall directly opposite the door with the curtains closed.

"Mark?" I call,my voice sounding gravelly. I knit my eyebrows in confusion. The last thing I remember was being at my wedding,everything was perfect. Then Alex stood up and pointed a gun at me. Lord knows how he found me and how he managed to get in without being recognized. But I passed out before he pulled the trigger....or at least I thought so...

I pull the covers back to expose my flat stomach and pale legs below the hospital gown. There's no gunshots wounds and it appears I'm not even pregnant anymore. I hold my arms up to see bandages wrapped around both of them,splotches of blood soaked through some places.
"What the-"

"Y/N L/N?" The door opens and a lady walks in with a clipboard. I look at her in confusion when she uses my maiden name,"Glad to see you're awake. I'm Dr.Reads but you can call me Ivy if you like." Ivy....Ivy...where have I heard that name before?
"Where's Mark?" I ask her immediately. Her formal,plastic smile falters slightly as she pushes some of her black hair behind her ear.

"Ms.L/N,you've been in a coma for two weeks. No family or friends have come to visit you,certainly nobody by the name of Mark." She comes and stands by my bedside,looking down at me with sympathetic eyes.

"What do you mean? That's not possible!" I exclaim,about to get off of the bed. Ivy puts her hand on my shoulder which is enough to keep me seated.
"Do you not remember anything?" She asks,clearly concerned,"You were found in the bathroom of your coffee shop with supposed self-harm cuts on your arms. You lost a lot of blood and you're lucky we-"

"No no no. That....that can't be..." I felt panic rise up within me and the heart monitor's consistent sound sped up,"I was at my wedding,with Mark. I was pregnant with our child and....and..."
"Miss,you seem to have had some brain damage. I was sent in here to explain your situation. I might suggest you attend a mental health-" Ivy continued to talk but I looked ahead of me at the empty white wall. This couldn't be happening. Was the whole thing only a dream? Does Mark even exist? Ivy. I swear I recognize that name.

How much of this was a dream? Obviously Alex exists because they found me when I was self-harming in the bathroom....but that's not how that went. Mark found me. He saved me,not them....

"-So I hope you'll keep my suggestions at mind,Ms.L/N." Ivy finished off. I returned my attention to her and nodded as if I understood every word. "We plan on letting you go today but you'll need to come back tomorrow so we can check in on you,alright?"
I nod and she steps aside so I can get up. She gives me new bandages and tells me to change them every few hours.

They let me change into some the clothes I had when I went to work. Blue shirt. Black leggings. Black boots.
"I gotta go find Mark." I mutter to myself as I walk out of the hospital. I was positive I could get to his house from here so I start my walk.

When I arrive I stand in front of the house for a moment,utterly confused. The house is still here so...I mean,the doctor must have just been wrong. I gain courage and walk up to the door,knocking on it. I hear footsteps approach it and the barking of a dog,which puts a smile on my face. The door swings open to reveal Mark,but not the one I knew.

His raven hair was messy and his half-shadow beard,unkept. He looked exhausted and his eyes were bloodshot. Naturally,I came in and hugged him full on. I wanted to know answers so badly but that could wait. All I knew is that Mark was here and he was....not returning the hug.

I felt him tense up and then softly push me away,a confused expression on his face. This caught me by surprise and I stood there,my mouth slightly open with surprise.

He looked me up and down and then said," I know you?"

And there you go. The last chapter of Depression's Key

Depression's Key (MarkiplierXReader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now