Chapter 15

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Its been a month now. Jack has finally asked Samantha out and,of course,she said yes. Mark and I were getting along great and were open to each other about almost everything.


Just like any unmarried young-adult,when I saw the positive pregnancy test I freaked out a little bit and actually DIDN'T tell Mark he was a father. I plan on doing it today,the only problem is how to act about it.

Just think about it though: my boyfriend,who I've known a total of two months,has gotten me pregnant and I have not told him yet. Should I be happy and break it to him in a special way? Or should I be mortified and tell him as if I just took the test and I,too,was shocked? Considering that the second option is being dishonest to the love of my life the first one sounds like the way to go.

The idea of aborting the baby has crossed my mind as well but,personally,I think killing a human life is wrong,no matter how small it is. Not that I would even think about going behind Mark's back. This is his child just as much as it is mine. That is,unless he suddenly despises me and wants nothing to do with our child,or me,for the rest of our lives.

"Ok now I'm just going too far." I sigh into my hands. I had been worrying about this ever since I took the test,which was about a week ago. Trust me,I feel way beyond pathetic as I sit here on the edge of an unmade bed at 8:30 on a Saturday morning,thinking the same thoughts over and over and over again while my boyfriend is downstairs making breakfast that I should have made for him. Not the other way around.

"Breakfast's ready!!" I heard Mark call from downstairs. Should I tell him now? Just get over with? Like ripping off a bandaid?
"Coming!" I yell back as I get up and head downstairs to the kitchen. I slide onto the barstool and douse my pancakes in syrup.

"Well don't you look beautiful today." Mark whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around me from behind,"Like always. Hey,is that my shirt?"
I almost giggle but my mouth full of pancakes prevents the forbidden noise to escape thank god. Instead,a slightly gurgling sound comes out. I couldn't believe this man thinks I'm beautiful. Even while I have maple syrup dripping down my chin. And not in the sexy way.

In an attempt to pretend that never happened I nod and take another bite. I hear Mark chuckle as he kisses my cheek and moves on to prepare himself a plate. His warmth was so inviting I'd almost forgotten to tell him the thing.

"So uh-" I begin after I finally finish that last bite of food.
"So I was planning on doing a collab with Jack today and wanted to know if you were down with going to dinner with them after? An officially double-date this time." Mark unintentionally interrupted me.
"Oh. Yeah,that sounds....great." I say,keeping my eyes on my plate.

There was an awkward silence before he broke it saying,"Are you ok? You've been acting really weird lately. Did I do something wrong?"
Well you did kinda get me pregnant and when I finally got the balls to tell you you interrupted me. It's gonna take all day before I get those guts back. "Yeah I'm fine. Just really tired." I reply,looking up and him and smiling. Of course,only I could spit out a stupid excuse like that.

Because Mark is no idiot,he says,"No you're not." Coming closer,he gently makes me look at him,"I'm gonna ask one more time. What. Is. Wrong?"

My eyes dropped down as I looked at my plate again,"Seriously. Nothing's wrong. I was just hoping....I could spend more time with you today." I expertly answered the question while avoiding the question.
"Sometimes,I amaze myself." A voice says within my mind. I mentally push it away.

"Oh..." Mark sighs simply,"Actually,our plans with Sack aren't set in stone. I haven't even asked them yet so...." He gets up and goes over to me again,tilting my chin up with his index finger and whispering,"I'm all yours." A smile spreads across his face and I blush.

Depression's Key (MarkiplierXReader) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now