17. what are we?

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It's 3 a.m. I fell asleep. I saw Lauren and Sofi slept in front of the tv. Sofi slept on her lap. I was afraid it hurt her because she just fell down. Moreover Lauren sleeping in sitting. Then I saw her wrist which got blue of bruise.

I went outside to get some water.

"Mom?" I saw my mother. "Why havent you slept?

"I have. I just awaken. I'm thirsty. Yours?"

"Me too."

"Are Lauren and Sofi still sleeping? She seemed fall a sleep"

"You know it?"

"Before I went to bed I checked Sofi but she already sleep in Lauren's lap. They wathed movie together. I who turned the tv off." She explained.

"Anyway, I saw her wrist is blue. It's like hard bruise. Is it okay?" She asked me.

"Yes mom." I said it doubtly.


"Camila. Wake up." I saw Sofi woke me up.

"What time?"

"7 o'clock. Lauren is delirious from fever." I jumped and looked at Sofi in front of me. Then I went to the sofa t check Lauren. I touched her head.

"Oh My God." I said.

"Lauren. Wake up. Do you hear me?" I panicked. "Sofi bring me cold compress."

"Do..nt tou..ch me." She said stammering. She still delirious from fever.

"I'm here. I'm here babe. We go to doctor okay. You are in my charge." I went down and forbid Sofi to bring that cold compress because I prefer to get her to the doctor.

"Daddy. Help me to carry Lauren. She is sick." My dad went to my room. She checked Lauren's condition.

"Oh my Good what happened to her wrist?? It seems she got the fever from inside because of this bruise!"

"How could it be? Does it make sense?" I asked panicly.

"Yeah. The friend of mine got accident. He didnt get bleeding pain but bruise. Hard bruise like this. The next day he got fever then no long time he passed away."

"Dad c'mon dont say like that." I started crying. I remember she became like this because of me.

"Where's Jauregui family?" Clara and her husband approached to the doctor to hear their child's condition. My parents and I stood near them.

"I'm sorry. Lauren Jaeregui. We cant save her. We've tried my best but it was too late." The doctor said.

"NOO. IT CANT BE." I ran to the room. They already closed her face with blanket.

"YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER. YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER. GO AWAY! I HATE YOU." Clara yelled at me. I didnt care I just looked at her. Touched her face. I kissed her lips, the thing I always wanted from her.

She already died. Her lips was already rigid.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY LAUREN." Clara pulled me away from Lauren. "GET OUT." my parents held me to go.



"Camz. Camz. CAMILA?!" I heard a voice. I opened my eyes and I saw Lauren. I hugged her.

"Ouch." She whimpered.

"Is it the real you?" I pinched her cheek. She smiled.

"What did you say?" She chuckled. "Anyway it's hurt. Dont hug too much."

"Are you still hurt? Where? Here?" I saw her wrist. Still blue.

"We went to doctor now!" I touched her forehead. "Do you get headache too?"

"A little bit. But that's okay."

"We are going to doctor! Prepare." I said to her.

"We dont need to.."

"Do it!" I cut her words.

She hugged me. I tried to let it but she didnt let me. She caressed me.

"I stay. I'm still here. It's just a nightmare. And it's still 3 o'clock. No bus. Taxies are expensive." She laughed.

"What time?"

"3 o'clock."

"Where's Sofi?" I looked around

"She went to bed after studying. Yah you fell asleep." She explained. Well I got a dream from the beginning.

"I'll get you some water. Hold on."
I grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Stay. I still shocked." She stopped her step.

"Everything is okay Camz. It's just a nightmare."

"It seems real." I said whispering.

"Just 'seems'. The reality I'm still here." She smiled.

"Where did you sleep?" I asked.


"Why dont you sleep next to me? Or asking Sofi to bring you to guest room?"

"She offered but I refused. I wanna stay here. But i cant sleep next to you. I'm afraid you'll get pregnant." She chuckled.

"Haha stupiid!!" I laughed and pinced her cheek.

"That silly joke is from you, eh?" She laughed and got me to her arms again.

"I let you sleep next to me, Lern Jergi. Watch your attitude. I warn you." I told her seducely.

"I wont except I'm drunk." She laughed. We lied down on my bed. She caressed me. We are that close til I can feel her breath on my hair. Even I guess she kissed my hair secretly.

What are we Jaeregui?

Do you love me?

Why you never say everything. You let this unidentifiable.

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