55.bad things (1)

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Fuck. I miss Camila. I broke the relationship but I who are insecure now.

Nope. hold on. We never into a relationship anyway. Shit.

After the night, we decided to be friends. I tried to act casual. So did her. She already be close again with the girls. Yet, not as close as before. But I can see how he girls tried to involve her anytime and anywhere.

What I did now was watching Camila. She seemed nothing happened. I mean she didnt look heartbreaking after our 'break up'. She still laughed and made herself okay. Different with me, I still awake at 3 a.m and looked at the sky like crazy. The habit I always did with Camila. But today, i was accompanied with smoking and drinking. So you can guess my eyes was so sleepy and I got headache.

"Sorry I should go. I will come again if the project finish." Lucy said to me and broke my daydream. She will leave me for several days. I didnt know I should be happy or sad.

To be honest I still looked at Lucy as a friend. I didnt feel anything everytime I kissed her. Even I felt uneasy we acted like girlfriend. But I committed to try to love her. I cant dissappointed her. That was my promise and reason why I still here. Went to Lucy and watched Camila from far far away now.

"Hei.. you look so tired. No need to see me off. You better sleep I worried."  She said caressed my hair. I made a quick glanced at Camila. She still had fun with Ashlee. I felt heated. She didnt feel jealous at all.

I grabbed Lucy's hand. "Okay then, say goodbye with the girls." I pulled her closer to me and approached the girls. There were Camila, Ashlee, Dinah, and Ally there. In my mind I wanted to make Camila jealous.

"Guys. I will go for a while. Thank you for the accompany." Said Lucy. I keep made a secret glanced at Camila. I really wanna guess her heart.

But what I saw, she didnt show any emotion at all.

"Safe flight Lucy." Camila said nicely to Lucy.

"Thank you." They hugged. I felt confused. Two girls in my life seemed didnt feel uneasy each other.

"Sleep tight. You have bad sleeping schedule lately. I gonna miss you. Keep your health." Lucy said and rubbed my cheek. Then kissed me. I shocked but I should reciprocated it and saw Camila's reaction.

Lucy released the kiss and kissed my cheek.

"Bye. Bye all." Lucy waved her hands. She really went now. I watched Camila and she didnt show any emotion. I felt sucks. Something I backfired my words. I decided to get over it but I who are insecure now.


I slept on the couch after rehearsing. Camila in hurry and picked her things. She seemed wanna go. I felt curious but I tried not to ask.

I watched her. She talked with Dinah. And waved her hands to the girls.

"Lauren? I'm leaving." She called me and waved her hands. She still smiled like nothing happened.

"Bye. Take care." I reciprocated. I came close to dinah.

"Where's she go?" I asked to Dinah.

"Having new duet project."

"How could I new knew? Am I too busy in this place?" I asked reprimanded.

"Yeah. It's you. You are busy to avoid Camila, Lo. Do you know that?" I shocked hearing Dinah's words. I didnt feel that. I had to justify myself.

"Do I? For sure? What the hell are you talking about? I asked her to be my friend again so you think I dont try to make everything okay again?"

"Camila already tried again to open with us. We have to be patient. Wait until she open up what really happens in hers. But you make it worse. Dating Lucy but giving hope to Camila. What do you mean?" Dinah said sharply.

"Are you serious Dinah? You know what happens. She who dumped me-'

"But you shouldnt make her your third party then you broke it Lauren. And now you avoid her and show off your romantic side with Lucy. You know that?"

Dinah up her sound so did I. Ally and Normani came to separate us. I went away.

"She will have duet and she wrote the song. I will have duet coreography with her to be shown to public to minimalize Camila's haters tomorrow night. You can come." Dinah said outload to let me hear it.

"No. I dissented Lauren to come." I heard Roger's voice, Camila manager. I backed to front him and looked at him sharply.

"I dont have to if you know."

Deep inside my heart.... i wanna see you, Camzi. I wanna support you..

I dont know what I will do surely, stop that desire.

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