34 golden days

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Everyday became honeymoon for Lauren and Camila. Normani and Ally who do not know the matter curious of what really happen. Camila was cuddling with Lauren and Lauren read a book and one hand caressed Camila's hand.

"Dinah. Are they back together?" Normani whispered to Dinah. Dinah laughed.

"LAUREN, MILA. GIVE THE ANNOUNCEMENT!" Dinah screamed to Lauren and Dinah who were cuddling and wat

"WHAT THE HELL IT'S REAL? YOU BACK TOGETHER?" Normani trailed to scream.

Lauren put her book and Camila giggled.

"What do you think?" Camila asked playfully.

"YOU BOTH NUTS. YOU LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU WERE FIGHTING BUT FOR THIS HAPPY NEWS YOU LET ME GUESSING!" Ally trailed to scream to Lauren and Dinah. She tweaked Lauren and Camila's ears.

"It's sick, moooom." Camila playfully screamed.

"What the hell are you doing. It's sick!" Lauren scremed.

"Language!" Ally said.the others laugh.

"We already now the worst person from us. Mom. Take her to pray in church everyday!" Dinah said playfully to Ally pointing Lauren as the worst child. Everyone laughed. Lauren only gave a kill look.

"Babe, dont look people like that. You are not sexy by doing that." Camila pinched Lauren's cheek.

"I only give a love look only for you Camz." Lauren giggled.

"Lauren you look like a psycho. You change mood in a second." Normani laughed. Lauren gave her middle finger.

"Lauren it's not funny." Dinah said to her and laughed.

"You both should treat us. We should celebrate Camren is back!" said normani.

"Yeah I had a plan to bring you pizza and beer." Lauren said calmly.

"No drinking please." Camila begged.

"Ally, Normani, and I can take this. You both cant." Lauren pointed Dinah and Camila.

"I dont interest of that. Can we just have fun without that? We can watch funny movie. Doing everything we have done when we first meet. Please." Camila begged to Lauren.

"I see." She pecked Camila's forehead. "I'm leaving. Dinah follow me!" Lauren grabbed Dinah's hand.

"Why should me?!" Dinah protested but Dinah still go.


Lauren and Dinah already arrived again and brought pizza and soda. She came inside the room and saw Ally, Normani, and Camila laughed out load. Camila playfully hit Normani.
Knowing Lauren already arrived, Camila ran to her and hugged her.

"Lauren, Normani came inside when I took a bath!" Camila pointed to Normani. Normani and Ally laughed. Dinah and Lauren shocked.

"Wh..at? Mani why were you doing that?" Dinah asked. She eventually laughed too.

"Camila really took long for taking a bath. So I decided to open the door and it was unlocked. And we took a bath together." Normani laughed out load.

"Mani. Why did you do that? I who is hers never do that. you made me afraid. You stole my part." Lauren laughed and made a dirty joke. Camila shyly hit lauren. And mouthly 'dirt'. Dinah mouthly 'groos' to Lauren. Everyone laughing.

"Dont be afraid, Lo. Even if your Camz is the only one human in this world, I wont make her mine." Normani said seriously.

"It wont be happen ManiBear.It's impossible that I only with you exist in this world. Because I will die if Lauren die." Camila said it and looked at Lauren. They both looked at each other smiling.

"You are so cute and I wanna puke." Dinah ran away. And lauren threw a pillow near with her to Dinah.


Lauren was reading a book and Camila brought her a water.

"You seemed a good wife. Or you obsessed with water? You always bring me water." Lauren laughed and pinched Camila's nose.

"I love you." Camila said to her.

"I love you too." Lauren replied.

"I love you more." Camila replied again.

"I love you more more more." Lauren repliead and giggled.

"I love you more more moremore moremore moreeeee." Camila gave Lauren Koala hugged.

"Shit you both fighting or you both in honeymoon really make me dizzy." Dinah said to they both. Ally and Normani laughed outload.

"yeah dont you both see we are here. We can watch your dorky love conversation? Shame on you both." Normani added.

"I dont care." Camila said it and pinched Lauren's cheek.

"I declared I really love this wild girl. And i dont care everything else." Camila contined her words and it made Lauren's cheek turned red hearing Camila words.

Dinah and Normani laughed. "See the wild can turn red teased by Camila." Dinah said and high five with Normani.

"Stop teasing Lauren guys. She can eat us." Ally said.

"Hei I wanna inform you, Austin will be together with our tour. FYI." Dinah said toLauren and Camila. Because they both seemed do not listen to Ally announcement before of that dorky romance drama they just did.

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