37 I Found A Girl

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“Camiilaaaaa.” Lauren screamed cheerfully. Dinah picked her up and next to her, there was Normani who drank too and Ally held her.

“What the fuck Laureeeenn. Stop doing this.” Dinah cursed. Camila heard the noisy so she came out. She saw Dinah, Normani, and Ally just entered.

“Oh my God what happens?” Camila asked.

“Here you are, Camz. I called you million times.” Lauren still mumbled. She jumped down and approached Camila and hugged her. Lauren was inh hard drunk even she couldnt open her eyes properly.

“What the hell how could you be drunk like this Lauren.” Camila let Lauren but Lauren held her tight. “Dont let me go. Dont let me down. I only yours so without you I lose.
Camila looked at Dinah and Ally asking explanation.

“Alright dont look at me like that. I got a call from Lucy to pick her in a club. You know Lucy, right? Lauren’s friend.  Firstly I didnt believe. But she explained she called Lauren and the bartender picked it and told her that Lauren and Normani was really drunk. He asked me to pick them up. And I asked Ally to accompany me.” Dinah explained. “She’s gonna puke. Gosh I cant handle this rebel.” Dinah massage her arms.

“She screamed your name since I picked her there until we arrived. I know you are sad but please dont let her become like this anymore. If management know this case, Lauren will get trouble. Normani too. We are group, Camila. We are here to help you if you need someone to talk to. Dont always play to be alone. You know you dont. I already tired of convincing you.” Dinah cried and went away bring Normani to sleep, leaving Camila who also tried to hold tears and felt guilty.

"It's okay. You still can fix it." Ally smiled and rubbed Camila's shoulder then leave her with Lauren.



“Morning, Rebel.” I said to Lauren when she awoke. She massaged her head.

“Why am I here?” She asked flatly. She looked around and realized this was not her room.

“Stay for sleeping and puking everywhere. Dont you see I’m cleaning now because of you?”I laughed playing joke. But I’m really cleaning now. Lauren puked because she was much drink.

I stepped over her and gave her a water.

“Drink.” I asked. She took it. I massaged her head. “You are dizzy, arent you?” I asked.

“Yeah. Really.” I held her head to lay on my shoulder.

“I thought you broke me again.” She finally said.

“No. Because I love you. I’m sorry I stayed away from you these days. As I said, I only need time to be alone. Please understand.” I said to her. She hugged my waist. She snuggled and cuddled to me. I smiled. I think I should forgive my self of hurting Austin and do not let myself hurt Lauren again.


“Lauren..” Camila opened her headset then took Lauren’s book. She was still on Lauren’s lap.

“What, babe?” Lauren said softly.

“Interwined our finger.” Camila whined and gave her hand for her. Lauren interwined it and kissed Camila’s palm.

“I hope we can be like this, Camz. Forever.” She finally said and rubbed Camila’s hand.

“Me too.” Camila said softly.

“So, dont run away again.” Lauren said to her seriously. Camila didnt anwer but hugged Lauren’s arm.

“AGAIIINN SEEMS LIKE THIS WORLD ONLY YOU TWO LIVING.” Dinah screamed breaking the momment. Normani and Ally chuckled.

“Shut up. You break the moment Dmac!” Lauren threw her with pillow near her.

“Ouch. See this wild and rebel human in front of me is the same human who I carried on my back leaving the club and creamed ‘I CANT LEAVE WITHOUT YOUU CAMZ. CAMZIIIIIII. CAAMMMZZ.” Dinah imitated the day Lauren drunk. Ally and Normani laughed outload. Camila spontanously sat down and looked at Dinah.

“Did she? For real?” Camila trailed laughing.

“Camz. You should by my side.” Lauren gave her a kill look. Camila pecked Lauren’s lips.

“I stand by you. But it was really funny.” She continued laugh.

“Okay move on from Lauren drunk. I’m afraid she will kill us at the night." Ally said trying to stop laughing. "Camila have you agreed of doing duit with Shawn?” Ally asked.

“I havent answered. I still thinking. Dont talk about it please.” Camila shrugged.

“We support you. Dont take it hard. I hate to see you always hardly thinking of something.” Dinah said to her. Camila went to Dinah and hugged her.

“Dinah. Lauren’s here.” Normani laughed.

“I’m not jealous, Mani. It’s common. I also did that with Lucy or Keana. Wait. I mean only Lucy I guess.” Lauren said it flatly but it made Camila let her hug from Dinah.

“You wanna me to share my feeling, saddness, confuse, and anger right? I’m jealous with Lucy.” Camila said it seriously. It made situation awkward.

“You dont need to, Camz. It is like you and Dinah. That’s all.” Lauren said calmly.

“SO you always trying to KISS HER?”

“Noo.” Lauren laughed. Camila became silent.

“God please dont fight again.” Dinah eventually spoke up.

“Camila, you are so cute when you are jealous.” Lauren hugged Camila.

“dont touch me.” Camila let it.

“hei. Are you really serious? Really same as you and Dinah. Both of you care each other. Only that.” Lauren tried to explain. She mess Camila’s hair. But Camila still kept silent.

“You trust me, right? For everythiing I have done to you. I stayed until now, cant they all become the reason I only love you? Even you dump me several times.” Lauren explained and Camila still kept quite. Lauren interwined her finger on Camila’s and brought her away.


Lauren closed the door and she still hold Camila’s tight. She still cant understand how could Camila jealous with Lucy.

“Do you still remember our first kiss?” lauren asked. Camila nodded.

“You didnt reply my kiss in that time.” Camila replied. Lauren laughed.

“I was shocked Camz. I thought I was dreaming. Because I often dreamt kissing you.” Lauren smiled and looked at Camila’s brown eyes. Camila looked back hers.

“And I never dreamt kissing Lucy and everyone else.” Lauren continued in soft voice. She smiled. Camila smiled too.

“Is it convincing you? That Lucy and I are just friend.” Lauren said.

“Do you remember after that? You kiss me and you got strain of neck pain?” Camila chuckled. Lauren laughed.

“It was stupid. I wanna make it romantic but my neck got pain because I tilted it too far.”  They both laughing.

“Can I kiss you, ms?” Lauren asked.

“No.” Camila playfully looked away.

“I’m a robber.” Lauren cupped Camila’s cheek and kissed her softly. Camila rested her hand around Lauren’s neck. Lauren moved her hand in Camila’s wrist.

“SORRY INTRUPT! Dinah came suddenly. Lauren and Camila let the kiss away.

“Open twitter. The fans commented the Vamps’ new song was about you.” Dinah informed.

“That was not important really. You disturbed us.” Lauren said.

“This is emergency, Rebel! It was about he found a girl likes girl. If management knew it, you will get mad.” Dinah explained and took Dinah’s phone.

“Brad! Fuck!”

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