The Angel and The Puppy

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Castiel walks into the convenience store and looks around. Dean is sick and it has become Cass's mission to find him what he wants most when he's sick: Pie. Cass walks quickly, not wasting any time. He walks over to the section that is labeled SUGAR/SWEETS. He strolls down the aisle and looks down on the bottom shelf. Sure enough, there's a wide variety of pie.

Not sure what to pick, he pulls his phone out and pulls Dean's number up. It rings twice and then Cass hears a loud cough.

"Cass?" Dean asks in a gruffer voice than usual.

"Hello Dean." Cass says, smiling a little. "They have a large variety of pie. What one do you want?"

"Um, can you get me blueberry?" he asks.

"Of course." Castiel says as he grabs the container firmly. "Anything else?"

"Not that I can think of. Oh, actually, get some beef jerky sticks."

"Ok. Is that all?"

"Yes, that's it. Thanks Cass. I'll see you when you get back."

"You're welcome." the angel says and hangs up. He walks over to the cash register and puts the pie on the counter, grabbing a few of the beef jerky sticks and setting them next to the pie. The cashier adds everything up and tells him the total.

"$3.25 please." she says.

Cass hands her a five dollar bill. "Keep the change." he says. The woman nods and Cass walks out of the building. He pulls out the keys to his car and walks towards it. As he strides quickly to his car, he hears pitter-patting behind him. Confused, the angel turns around to see a little black puppy sitting on its' hind legs. Castiel turns his head to the side.

"Can I help you?" he asks in his gravelly voice. The little dog tilts its head in a mimicking way as he stares at the strange human. Castiel sighs and frowns as he looks into the puppy's chocolate brown eyes. The puppy whimpers a little, its tail wagging across the cement. Cass squats down and looks at the puppy. "Are you lost?"

The puppy, completely oblivious to what the angel is saying, waddles over to the angel and stands on its hind legs, its paws resting on Cass's knee. The puppy sniffles a little as he smells the scent of the jerky coming from the grocery bag. Cass looks at the puppy and follows his gaze.

"I'm sorry, but you can't have this." Cass says apologetically. "This belongs to my friend."

The puppy cocks his head and Cass sighs. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a jerky stick. He opens it and rips off a piece, handing it to the puppy. The puppy munches on it, wagging its tail. Cass feels his heart warm as he watches the dog finish up the jerky. If only Dean could see this.

His face falls at the sudden realization. Dean. Dean is sick. Dean is waiting on Cass. Castiel stands up and sighs, walking towards his car once more. He once again hears the pitter-patter of paw prints and stares at the puppy.

"Stay," Cass says as he holds a finger up. The puppy sits and watches the tall man, wagging its tail. Castiel turns around and starts walking towards his car when, once again, he hears the pitter-patter of paws. He turns around and tries to give the puppy a warning look, but the puppy simply smiles, its pink tongue sticking out and its tail wagging.

There's a crisp wind that blows and it makes Cass frown. He takes in the puppy's appearance. The animal doesn't have a collar, and there is no one else in sight. Cass looks up at the sky and notices that there are some storm clouds coming in. He looks back down at the puppy.

"Dean is going to kill me," Cass mutters as he rubs his forehead with his hand. He looks at the puppy. "Alright. Come on."

The puppy's ears perk and it jumps up and trots right along Castiel's feet as they go to his car. Castiel opens the passenger door and let's the dog jump up. The puppy pants softly as it sits still while Cass puts the groceries on the floor. He stands back up and closes the door. He walks over to the driver side, gets in, and closes the door. He starts the car and looks down at the puppy who is watching him with curious eyes.

"Yep." Cass confirms. "Dean is going to kill me."


Dean coughs once more as he hears the sound of a car pull up outside of the bunker.

"It's about damn time, Cass." Dean sighs as he closes his laptop. He hears the bunker door open and then close, footsteps echoing through the bunker.

"Cass is that you?"

"Yes Dean, I'm here." Cass says as he walks into view. Dean looks the angel up and down and notices something different.

"Cass," Dean says wearily.

"Yes?" Cass says blankly.

"Why do I smell wet dog?"

Castiel's face reddens a little. In an attempt to change the subject, Castiel says, "I got pie."

"Cass," Dean says, locking his green eyes with Castiel's blue ones.

"Yes Dean?"

Before Dean can say anything, he notices that the inside pocket of Castiel's trench coat moves.

"Cass, you didn't.." Dean sighs.

Castiel walks over to Dean and sits down, giving him his space. "Dean," he says wearily. Dean watches as Cass pulls out a black puppy out of the inside of his pocket.

"Cass," he groans as he leans back. "You bought a dog?"

"No, I found a dog. Well, more like he found me. It's a funny story actually, I-"

"I don't care." Dean frowns. "We're not keeping the dog."

Cass frowns and looks at Dean. "Please?"

Dean shakes his head. "No. No way in hell."

Cass pouts and Dean ignores the urge to give in. He's about to say something when the little puppy crawls from Castiel's hands and over to Dean, wagging it's tail slowly as its big brown eyes stare into his.

Dean's heart aches a little and he looks away from the dog. He looks back at Cass and sighs.

"You're lucky I love you." Dean says.

Cass's face turns into a full blown grin. "So that's a yes?"

Dean sighs. "Yeah, you can keep him."

Castiel leans over and kisses Dean softly, his lips soft against Dean's. Dean will never admit it, but these kind of kisses are his weakness. Cass pulls away and smiles at the puppy.

"So what should we name him?" Castiel asks, looking at Dean.

Dean stares at the puppy for a moment, thinking.

"How about Des?"

Castiel looks at the puppy who looks back at him, panting and wagging his tail. Cass smiles softly.

"Des it is."

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