The Angel and The Date

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Dean walked into the restaurant, straightening his black tie. He cleared his throat and looked down at his watch. It was 7:59 p.m. He had less than a minute. Less than a minute before he finalized his future. He came face to face with the waiter who led him to his reserved table.

He sat down and nodded politely towards the waiter. The waiter nodded and walked off.

Dean looked out the window and at the New York City lights. Tonight was the night. The night he had been planning out for three years. The night he had been planning since the day he had retired from hunting for good. He bit his lip and looked down at the white linen cloth covering the table. He inhaled deeply.

He can't mess this up.

He reached into his pocket and felt for the tiny velvet box that encased his future. His face paled for a moment but it soon filled with color as he felt the fuzzy exterior of the box. He patted it softly and then put both of his hands on the table, folding them gently.

He looked out the window and watched as the snow fell silently. It was December 24th. Christmas Eve. Sam was no doubt probably wrapping last minute gifts for his fiancé. Dean smiled a little. He was glad Sam had found love in Gabriella, a barista at a coffee shop back in Lawrence. She was a sweet girl and she meant everything to Sam. Dean was happy he finally found the girl of his dreams.

Dean made sure she wasn't a demon or any other kind of creature before he got to know her better. After she had passed every test he could come up with, Dean gave her a chance. And he was glad he did. She was witty, intelligent, funny, and extremely sweet.

She had grown up with a few older siblings and a few younger siblings, an absent mother and a father who was way too involved with his work to pay attention to his children.

All in all, Gabriella had a strong and sturdy head on her shoulders which is what made Dean like her so much. She would be able to help Sam during his dark days just like Cass helped Dean through his. And that meant everything to Dean.

Dean was lost in thought for a while, but he was brought back to the present when someone cleared their throat. Dean looked over at his guest.

"Hello Dean."

"Hey, Cass." Dean sighed softly, taking in his angels appearance. He was wearing a black suit with that blue tie that he always wore. Dean smiled warmly at him.

"Here," Dean murmured as he walked over to the other chair across from him and pulled it out for Cass to sit down in.

"Thank you." Cass said as he sat down. Dean pushed the chair in and then sat down in his seat. Cass looked around the restaurant and then out the window. His eyes widened a little. "The view is beautiful."

Dean nodded his head, not taking his eyes off of Cass. "It sure is."

Cass Peeked up at Dean through his eyelashes. Their eyes met and Cass blushed slightly. Dean smirked at him a little and then cleared his throat.

"Are you hungry?" he asked the angel.

Cass looked Dean up and down. "Starving."


Cass and Dean walked to the front door of the restaurant and then outside in the chilly night. Dean slowly moved his hand down until it found Cass'. Cass looked over at Dean and smiled a little.

"Where to?" Cass asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Dean smiled faintly and then they started walking.

As they walked around New York City, they looked around at the Christmas lights in awe. They had seen many Christmas light set ups throughout the years, but this was spectacular. They walked down a path walk, street lamps on either side wrapped in Christmas lights that lit their way with a dim gold light. The snow was falling thickly but still quietly; Dean and Cass had not seen another couple for a while.

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