The Angel and The Snow

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Cass stood outside in the cold winter night, looking up at the sky as small flakes came down silently, some landing in front of him and some landing directly on his rosy cheeks. It was his first winter as a human, and he had mixed feelings about it. He'd experienced winter before, but not like this.

It seemed like everything was too cold; the wind was biting and nipping at his skin and the snow turning his hands a bright red. He didn't know how to feel about it. He would hold snow for hours upon end; one time he counted the flakes because he was so bored but also so interested. His body had not resonated heat, so he could look at each individual one whenever he wanted. Now that he was human, his body gave off an extreme amount of heat and he couldn't see the flakes intricate designs anymore. They melted too quickly.

He buried his face in his scarf. Well, technically Deans' scarf. Castiel never had any need for winter clothes until this year. So Dean gave him some long sleeved shirts and a brown leather jacket. He gave him some cozy faded jeans and some nice warm socks. Cass didn't want to accept the gifts, but Dean had insisted and Cass could not tell him no with the way Dean had been gazing at him.

The only things they didn't have were gloves and a hat. So, Cass had to go without those, but he was okay with it. They had already given so much and he felt awful about it. Cass frowned. He was their guardian angel. He was supposed to watch over them, but yet here they were taking care of him.

Cass looked over at the street lamp that lit up the street he was on. They were on a case, and Dean insisted Cass came since it was so close to Christmas. Cass didn't want to bother them anymore than what he had but, once again, Dean had given him the green puppy dog eyes and Cass succumbed to him.

He needed to work on not giving into Dean all the time.

The snow was starting to fall more quickly, layering the grown in a sparkly white blanket that reminded Cass, oddly, of innocence. Pure, white, untouched. He smiled fondly at the memories of a young child he once watched over three decades ago. The little boy was cute and young and innocent. Untouched by the harmful ways of the world. He had big green eyes and a smile that could light up a room even in the darkest of times.

But his innocence was taken away by the age of four, when he saw his mother on his brother's nursery ceiling, in flames. Cass vowed that from then on he would protect that boy by any costs.

And he did. For years on end. He watched the little boy grow up and turn into a strong man who fought for justice, even if it wasn't the correct way at times.

But then the little boy sacrificed his soul for his brother to live. Cass bit his lip as he recalled the events. He frowned as the little boy had finished making the deal. His heart broke as he thought about how he would never get to meet the little boy. He was saddened because he knew the little boy deserved a happier ending than what he was going to get.

So against his father's wishes and every other angel's wishes, he went down to perdition, grabbed the little boy's worn soul, gripping his shoulder tightly, and raised him from perdition, bringing him back to life. It had taken a toll on his wings, but he knew it was worth it when he saw the little boy reunite with his baby brother and his (practically) second father.

Cass smiled a little as he watched the snow fall. Yes, he had made the right decision. His smile fell. Even though he had made the right decision and the reasoning was good, he knew part of the reason was selfish. It was selfish because, through the years, Cass had fallen in love with the little boy.

Not in some perverted disgusting way. It wasn't when he was a child. It was when he was a man. Cass nodded. When the little boy grew up, he had become a man that made Cass watch him with awe. After everything he had been through in his poor life, he was still a cheerful, brave, handsome, silly man. And that's what made Cass fall in love with him.

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