The Angel and The Present

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A/N: Tomorrow is my editing day so I won't be uploading a new chapter. If there are any mistakes in this chapter, I will fix them tomorrow. Please enjoy <3 

Castiel sat in the library of the bunker, deep in thought as he sat cross-legged in his chair. He rested his head on his chin, his brain skimming through all the possibilities that he could do for presents for Dean. Christmas was three days away and Castiel had asked repeatedly what Dean wanted. Dean replied with the same answer each time.

"I don't want anything. I have all that I need."

Castiel tried to rebut, saying that there must be something in this world that Dean wanted. But Dean was persistent in his answer. So Cass gave up on it. At least, he gave up on asking Dean. He tried to follow Dean around, most of the time, invisible of course, so that he could get an idea as to what the hunter liked.

Cass had known this man for almost eight years, but the only thing he knew that the hunter liked was pie and his old cassette tapes. That and animated porn. 

"It's not porn, it's art," Dean had told Cass. Cass simply nodded and then pretended as if he believed Dean, although he knew exactly what it was. 

Cass sighed and rubbed his eyes softly, frustrated. He finally came to a conclusion in his mind. He would have to ask Sam.

Cass didn't want to, but Sam knew Dean better than almost anyone else. Cass had tried every kind of method to figure it out on his own, but this time he was going to need some professional help.

Cass pulled his small phone out and slid his thumb on the screen until he saw Sam's name appear. Cass tapped his name and then brought the phone up to his ear. Sam answered after the second ring.

"Hey Cass," Sam said out of breath.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, we just finished up a case. Literally. You have impeccable timing," Sam breathed out a breathy laugh. 

"I see. Am I on speaker?"

"Yeah, Cass." Castiel heard Dean's voice shout.

"Take me off." Cass demanded. He heard a faint beep and then Sam's voice came back.

"What's going on?" Sam asked, concerned.

"I'm trying to figure out a gift for Dean," Cass said stressfully. "And I need help."

"Ah," Sam said. "Well that's actually quite easy."

"Really?" Cass asked, his posture straightening up right away. "What do I do?"

He heard Sam breath softly. "I can't tell you right now. We can talk more about this once we get back from the case."

Castiel nodded his head, although no one was around to see it. "Okay. That works."

"Okay Cass. We'll be home tomorrow around 10 a.m. That is, if Dean doesn't fall asleep on the drive home."

"Take your time," Cass said. "If you don't get back until late tomorrow, text me."

"Text you?" Sam asked, confused.

"Yes." Castiel said, a smile tugging at his lips. "I like to use emoticons." 

"Oh, er, okay."

Castiel hung up and then sighed and leaned back in the chair. He would have to wait an extra day. But he was okay with that.


They didn't get back until almost 11'o'clock at night the next night. Sam had texted Cass, letting him know, but that was it. When they got home, Dean went straight to his room and Sam got a cup of coffee. Cass sat down at the counter patiently. 

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