The Angel and The Thanksgiving Dinner

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Cass opened the oven and inhaled as the sweet smell of apples and cinnamon floated to his mouth. He slid on the heavy padded, red oven mitt and pulled the tray out and set the tray holding the two pies down by the other one. Two Apple pies and two Cherry pies. Cass nodded his head and smiled with pride. They looked delicious and smelled perfect.

Cass closed the oven and turned it off. Dean would be home in a couple of hours with Sam; they were finishing up a hunt in Oklahoma. Cass looked at the other side of the kitchen and watched as the timer counted down for the turkey to be done cooking.

Dean had insisted that they just ate burgers and watched football while drinking beer, but Cass begged and pleaded to get permission to make a Thanksgiving dinner. Dean took one look into his angel's eyes and he knew he was a goner. So he gave Cass permission to bake a turkey and some pies but nothing more.

Cass chuckled as he pulled the golden turkey out of the oven.

Dean should have known better.

Cass set the turkey down and quickly slid over to the stove, stirring the milky brown gravy in one pot and mixing the cheesy mashed potatoes together in another pot. He had not only made a turkey, four pies, potatoes, and gravy, but he also made some stuffing and green beans too. This was the first Thanksgiving dinner Dean and Sam had had in years. Cass was going to make sure that they didn't forget it and, hopefully, it would become a permanent tradition.

Cass inhaled the gravy scent and smiled with joy. It smelled perfect. Cass mixed the gravy a little more and then turned off the stove top. He walked over to the cabinets and grabbed some plates. He walked over to the library table and set the plates down. He moved all of the books away and then put the plates at three different chairs.

Cass set up the silverware and napkins and then went back to the kitchen. He grabbed ladle and filled it up with some of the brown gravy. He carefully walked over to the golden turkey and drizzled the gravy down the center of it. It spilled over the turkey with a satisfying splish as the gravy made contact with the turkey.

Cass brought the turkey- which was sitting on a big white platter- out to the table in the library and put it in the center. He grabbed the potatoes and put them in a large bowl and set them on the left side if the turkey. He went back, grabbed the gravy, and set it on the right side of the turkey. He decided to leave the pies in the kitchen for now.

Cass went back and grabbed the bowl of green beans and stuffing and put them on either side of the turkey so that each side of the white platter had a dish on it. Cass' smile simply grew wider. This was perfect.

Just as Cass put the finishing touches on the turkey, he heard the door to the bunker open Nd then close. He heard the loud thuds of two pairs of footprints come down the stairs.

"I'm just saying, she was giving you the look."

"Dean I don't care. I'm not interested."

"Well she gave you her phone number. Give her a call."

"Why don't you do it?"

"Because I am taken and you should know by now that I dont swing that way anymore. Don't you remember the time that you came into my room and you were gonna ask me for something but instead you found Cass and I-"

"Don't remind me!" Sam groaned. "I still can't get the image of Cass' ass out of my mind."

"Well at least you learned to knock." Dean chuckled. Cass felt his face redden a little.

Sam and Dean walked and and stopped as they looked at the table. Their eyes were almost bulging out of their heads as they took in the feast.

"Wow Cass," Dean said in shock. "You've been busy."

Cass shrugged. "It was nothing really."

Dean walked over and kissed his temple. He bent down and whispered in the angel's ear.

"Did you make pie?"

Cass chuckled. "Of course."

Dean grinned and then chuckled as he rubbed his hands together. "Then let's eat!"

Cass pulled the chair out for Dean to sit and then followed suit along with Sam. Dean grabbed the carving knife and a fork and slowly started to carve the turkey. Cass watched intently, feeling himself glow with pride. Dean looked happy. His goal was accomplished.

After they all got food on their plate, Dean bowed his head and folded his hands. Sam and Cass followed.

"Thank you," Dean said softly. "For the luck on our hunt and for the beautiful angel that you created. Thank you for this meal and bless the hands that prepared it. Thank you for Sammy too. He's the best little brother someone could have.

"And thank you for not giving Cass a gag reflex! Also, for makong Cass' ass as soft and round as you did. Can I get an Amen?"

They all opened their eyes and Sam and Dean noticed that the tips of Cass' ears were a bright shade of pink. Dean looked over at an awkward Sam with a smirk.

"Was that really necessary?" Sam asked.

"You bet Cass' ass it was." Dean grinned.

Cass felt his face redden even more."Okay let's eat."

As the men ate, Dean groaned with appreciation and so did Sam.

"Cass this is delicious!" Sam sighed. "Where did you learn to cook like this?"

"Well, after being alive for eons, you learn a few recipes or two."

Dean took the last bite of his turkey. He groaned in satisfaction. "Cass that was delicious. I hate to admit it, but this might have to become an annual thing."

Cass grinned in delight. "I'm glad to hear. Now, who wants pie?"


If Deans' groans of satisfaction about the turkey weren't enough, then his moans about the pie were. Every time Dean took a bite of his pie, he moaned and frowned loudly, whispering Cass' name as a prayer. Cass glowed under his praise and felt his heart beat with joy.

Sam acknowledged the deliciousness, but Dean practically shouted out about how good it was. And it could not have made Cass any happier.

So, later that night, when Sam was asleep and Cass and Dean were laying in each other's arms, Cass spoke up softly.

"Did you really like it?" Cass whispered.

"I loved it." Dean said honestly as he kissed the angel's temple softly. "That was the most delicious meal I've ever had."

Cass hummed in appreciation Deans' praise. Dean stroked the angel's hair softly. Cass looked up at Dean and kissed his lips gently, a simple kiss that made Dean groan in appreciation and lust.

"I just have one more question." Dean whispered softly, his hand traveling down Cass' stomach.

"W-what?" Cass gasped.

"Can you make Christmas dinner too?"

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