The Angel and The Christmas Lights

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"Dean," Castiel said as he laid on the couch on his stomach. He watched the hunter intently as the hunter was reading a book.

"Yes Cass?" He asked as he looked up from his book. Castiel looked at the bunker and at the tree they had decorated a few nights ago. He looked back at the hunter. 

"Could we go look at the Christmas lights?" he asked curiously.

"Christmas Lights?" Dean asked in confusion. "Cass, why would we do that?" 

Castiel frowned a little and rested his chin on his hand. "Well, I overheard Sam talking to that girl he met at the bar and he had suggested they look at Christmas lights." 

Dean frowned. "Yeah, because that's something that a couple do."

"Friends don't do it?" Castiel gave the hunter a quizzical look.

Dean sighed. "Not usually, but I guess so."

"Then can we go do it? As friends?" Castiel asked softly. Dean looked at the angel and then at his watch.

"Okay fine. Let me go grab my coat and then we can go look at the lights." he grumbled. Castiel smiled widely and stood up. He hugged Dean and then quickly walked to the garage. 

Dean walked through the kitchen, down the steps, and to his room. He grabbed his jacket that was sitting on the chair and then slid it on. This was going to be awful. Not because they were going to look at Christmas lights, but because they were going as friends.

Dean inwardly groaned as he grabbed his keys. He slowly made his way up to the garage. Dean had been trying to figure out a way to bring up his feelings with Cass, but he hadn't done a very good job, sober or drunk. When he was drunk he would just close himself off or he would forget about it and when he was sober... well, he didn't have the nerve to bring it up.

Dean walked over to the Impala where Castiel was waiting patiently. He huffed as he sat down, closed his door, and started Baby up. He took a quick glance at the angel sitting beside him and tried not to smile as he saw the excitement Cass was radiating. 

He pulled out of the garage and they made their way into town.


Dean pulled up on the side of the road and parked the car. They were at a little place in town that had an attraction of Christmas lights that came with free hot cocoa. It was only $10 per person and the lights were pretty cool. It was something John had taken Dean and Sam to see while they were on a case here years ago. 

Dean opened the door and the frosty December air instantly bit his nose. His breath became visible to him in an instant as he shut the door. It was lightly snowing and not many people were around. It was perfect. Cold, but perfect. Dean shoved his hands in his pockets and waited for Castiel to get out of the Impala. Once Cass was by his side, they walked up to the entrance.

Dean gave the older woman twenty dollars and she smiled at them kindly. She gave them two big mugs full of hot cocoa- putting some marshmallows in them upon Castiel's request, although Dean tried to deny his- and their two tickets.

"Enjoy the site, you two lovebirds." she grinned at them. Castiel smiled and thanked her while Dean blushed furiously, unable to object and tell her otherwise.

Cass and Dean walked down the long pathway, Castiel staring in amazement at all of the twinkling lights. They saw a whole bunch of different lights. There was a Disney section that Cass enjoyed very much- he even talked about his favorite Disney movie which turned out to be Finding Nemo. "I find it quite funny that the shark didn't know his father because if he had, he would have been eaten alive." Castiel had said simply, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Dean simply raised his eyebrows and then drank some of his cocoa.

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