The Angel and The Dark Day

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*trigger warning. Almost self harm, but it's stopped in time.*

Enjoy <3

Cass sighed as he plopped down on his bed. He was so tired, but it was physically impossible to sleep because angel's don't sleep. Cass rolled over and looked at his clock. It was only one in the afternoon? Seriously? Cass frowned. That last hunt just about killed him. Three shapeshifters in one city. That had been very confusing and very frustrating, but they were able to handle it. Castiel covered his eyes and rubbed them softly.

Castiel sat up and was about to pull out his phone to call Dean when he heard a humongous crash come from the kitchen. He sat up and quickly ran out, his angel blade in his hands within seconds. He ran to the edge of the door that led to the kitchen, his chest rising and falling softly as he waited for a few moments. There was another loud bang and he heard dishes shatter and clash together. He heard a loud scream and then a familiar voice shout.

"Stop!" Dean screamed. Cass' eyes snapped open immediately and he instantly ran into the room. He froze at the sight that was before him.

Dean was curled up and rocking back and forth, his bloody hands on either side of his head. Cass instantly ran to Dean's side.

"Dean," he said roughly, touching Dean's shoulder where his hand print was. Dean instantly grabbed his hand and flipped him over so that he was on top of Cass and a broken shard from a glass plate was angled at Cass' throat.

"You aren't Cass," Dean growled.

"It's me," Cass coughed out as Dean squeezed harder.

Dean glared at the angel. "How do I know you're not a shapeshifter?"

"Dean," Cass said roughly. "It's... me."

He looked into Dean's green eyes firmly, his blue eyes glowing intensely. Dean stared back for a few moments, his eyes searching Cass'. Suddenly, his face dropped and he dropped the glass shard right next to Cass' head.

"Cass," he whispered hoarsely. He instantly threw himself off of Cass and as far away from the angel as possible. He acted as if Cass had the Bubonic Plague. Cass stood up and wiped his trench coat off swiftly.

He walked over to Dean who curled up once again, holding his legs away from Cass. Cass crouched down and hesitantly reached his hand out towards Dean. "Dean," Cass whispered softly, tilting his head at the hunter.

"Don't," Dean whispered, his voice cracking. "Don't touch me."

Cass felt his heart crack a little, but he followed the hunter's orders. "Okay."

Dean looked at Cass, noticing the angel's tone. "Cass," Dean began but Cass cut him off.

"No, I get it." Cass said quietly. He looked at the hunter one last time and then disappeared.

Dean stared at where the angel had just been standing. "Cass, no." Dean whimpered.

Little did Dean know, Cass simply turned invisible so that the hunter couldn't see the hurt on his face. This was one of Dean's worse days. He didn't have them very often. Sometimes he would be moody but these kinds of days were very rare. Cass still didn't know how to handle them correctly. Especially with Sam being gone.

Sam had handled these days before. He had more experience. Cass looked at the broken hunter. He decided that he should give Sam a call. That would probably be best. Castiel walked out of the room silently, pulling his phone from his pocket and slowly walking outside of the bunker.

But Dean didn't know this. Dean thought that he had upset the angel so much that the angel wanted nothing more to do with him. Dean felt his heart ache as it screamed out for Cass. Dean leaned back and closed his eyes tightly; hot, steamy tears rolling down his face. His hand absentmindedly slid over to a broken shard of glass. He looked down in time to see his hand moving towards his wrist. He couldn't stop it now. His hand had a mind of it's own.

Before he could do anything, he felt a firm grip on his right wrist. He looked up to see Cass watching him softly.

"Please don't." Cass said softly. Dean dropped the broken shard instantly and then took the angel in.

"You came back," Dean breathed.

"I never left to begin with." he whispered. "I just had to make a call."

Dean felt guilt wash over him as he looked down at his hands. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Dean. This isn't your fault." Cass said softly as he slowly reached his hand out towards Dean. Dean hesitated but then leaned into Cass' hand as their skin made contact. Cass stroked Dean's cheek bone with the pad of his thumb.

"I love your touch," Dean said quietly.

"I know," Cass said just as quietly. He slowly stood up and held his hand out. "Come with me."

Dean nodded his head and grabbed the angel's hand. Castiel pulled on his hand gently and led him back to Dean's room. He sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. He encased the hunter with his arms and softly stroked his back, like a wounded cat. Dean rested his cheek on Castiel's chest. They sat there in comfortable silence for a while.

"Cass," Dean said quietly.


"Thank you."

"Of course." Cass said quietly. He looked down at the hunter. "I will always be here for you."

Dean looked up at Cass with tears in his eyes. Cass could see the defeat and the helplessness in his green irises. Cass felt his heart ache for the hunter and before either of the men could do anything, their lips met; colliding and moving together.

Dean sat up a little more, resting his hand on Cass' cheek. He could feel Cass' tongue skim across his lower lip, seeking permission for access. Dean opened his mouth slightly, letting the angel explore his mouth. Dean moaned softly, his nose sliding across the angel's as they moved their heads with the kiss.

Dean was feeling all of his dark thoughts slowly evaporate as the angel slowly stroked his face and hair. He felt nothing but happiness and joy. His fingers intertwined with Cass' dark locks as their lips connected once more. His lips were soft and plump and they felt like the missing piece to the puzzle that was his life. This is what he had been needing all along.

Not alcohol.

Not women.

Not hunting or revenge.

Simply Castiel.

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