The Angel and The Nightmare

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A/N: might be typos. It's late for me and I wrote this on my phone. My editing day is Saturday. I'll fix it then.
Enjoy <3

Sam woke up out of a deep sleep, his brain tingling a little as he looked around the room. He tried to figure out what woke him up when he heard a loud grunt come from two rooms down.

"Cass!" he heard his older brother shout out. "Sam!" he cried once more. 

A plea for help. 

Sam jumped out of bed, gun in hand, and ran out of his room and down the hall. He quickly turned the door and kicked it open, his gun out in front of him. He was ready to shoot when he saw his brother perfectly fine and unharmed. Sam lowered his gun a little and frowned.

Dean was thrashing around a little, his face layered with sweat. Sam set his gun down and walked towards Dean when Dean says something that makes him freeze.

"Somebody help!" his older brother cried out, his eyes twisted in pain. "Get me out of here!" Sam's eyes widened and he went to wake his brother up when his brother screamed in pain. Sam stared in horror, not knowing what to do. Dean had never had this bad of a nightmare. Dean continued to shout. 

"I don't want to be here! Ah! Stop whipping me, please just stop!" Dean cried out once more, a thick stream of tears running down his face. Sam instantly realized what Dean was dreaming about.


Sam was about to grab Dean's leg or something when he felt a hand pull him back. He turned around and his hazel eyes met blue ones.


Castiel put a finger to his lips. "Sh."

Sam instantly fell quiet, watching the Angel. There was another loud scream and groan that came from behind them. Castiel moved Sam back and then walked over to Dean's side.

He softly sat down beside the hunter and leaned down next to him. He stroked the hunters hair softly, leaning his mouth down to Dean's ear.

Sam watched as Dean's body quit jerking around and his screams became quieter and less constant.

Dean soon was laying still. Sam heard Cass whisper something to him, but he couldn't make out what the Angel was saying.

He was about to ask what Cass was doing when Cass shot him a warning glare, signaling Sam not to interrupt.

Even though Cass was giving Sam the look of death, his voice was as soft as silk and the words were flowing smoothly from his mouth.

That's when Sam realized Cass was speaking in Enochian.

Dean's face fell slack and his breathing was back to normal. Cass moved him up swiftly so that Dean was in his lap comfortably. Sam noticed that Cass had his arms wrapped around him, his hand splayed out where the scar tissue of his handprint used to be.

Cass continued to whisper softly in Dean's ear, in Enochian, and Sam felt himself calm down. Dean was wrapped in Cass' arms tightly, his head resting under Cass' chin. He looked peaceful and happy.

Sam then saw all of the lines and wrinkles that were under his older brothers eyes. He could see that his brother had aged years before he should have. He looked 42 when he was only 37.

"This is how I raised him from perdition." Cass spoke softly. "His back to my chest, his weary soul exhausted."

Sam felt shock go through his body. Hell was something that neither the Angel or his older brother spoke of. Ever.

"Oh," was all Sam could say.

Cass frowned, stroking the hunters hair softly. "I usually catch these nightmares before he wakes you up. I can tell when he'll have them. At least the extremely bad ones like what you saw tonight."

"Wait, you mean this has happened more than once?" Sam frowned.

"Yes." Castiel said, frowning. "I usually predict them and catch them in time. But tonight was unexpected."

Sam felt his heart ache. Why did he not know about this?

Sam watched as Dean snuggled deeply into Cass' chest, gripping his shirt tightly and burying his nose in the crook of Cass' neck.

"Does Dean know that this happens?"

"No," Cass sighed quietly. "He is usually dead to the world at this hour. He has woken up twice before, but I've wiped his memory each time."

Sam watched his brother's arms rise and fall slowly. "What did you say to him?" Sam asked.

"What I said to him when I raised him from perdition."

"And what was that?"

Cass looked down at Dean with a warm gaze and smile.

"I am here to save you. I am your guardian angel. I am here to raise you from perdition. I will not leave you. I am here to protect you and follow you and listen to you for as long as you live, for it is my duty."

Sam sighed softly, feeling a strange emotion in his chest. He couldn't tell if it was peace or happiness.

At least someone was looking out for Dean besides him.

Sam watched as Cass held Dean close, stroking his hair and repeating the words in Enochian every time Dean started to stir.

"Cass," Sam said quietly.


"Do you... do you love Dean?" Sam asked him. Castiel looked at Sam for a moment and then pondered the thought.

"Yes." he said finally.

Sam looked at him. "You know what I mean by love right?"

"Yes Sam. I am fully aware."

Sam nodded his head and then sort of fell silent. After a moment, he spoke up.

"You know Dean loves you too?"


"And you kn-"

"Yes, Sam. I know what you mean."

"Then why don't you act on it?"

Cass sighed. "Because I'm going to let Dean figure it out himself. Dean doesn't fully comprehend it yet, but he will soon enough. Until then, I'll wait."

Sam watched Cass and then felt a small smile tug at his lips. "Might take a while. Dean is oblivious to this stuff."

Castiel chuckled. "I'm fully aware."

Sam smiled and then looked down at his watch. It read 2:34 a.m.

"I'm gonna go back to bed. Have a good night Cass."

"You too, Sam."

Sam nodded and the left the room, feeling much better and calmer than he did about 40 minutes ago.

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