The Angel and The Breakfast

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A/N: Sorry for such a long hiatus on this. But Hello, I am back! :)

Cas opened his eyes bleakly, squinting as he saw the sun shine bright through the blinds. He rubbed them softly and then let them gaze over to the sleeping figure on his right. He smiled a little as he looked down at the brown-haired man who was peacefully asleep; something that was very rare.

He watched Deans' shoulders rise and then fall slowly and softly. He watched the sleeping man contently; something he used to do when he had his grace. But now that it was gone, Cas was completely mortal and needed sleep just like every other human.

It had been a couple years since Cas' grace had been gone for good. Okay, so six years, but who's counting? Cas had gotten the hang of most things. He learned the basics anyway which was all he needed to survive. Eat, drink, sleep. That was it.

It was tough the first few months, but he was able to find his way around. Sam and Dean had retired a little over a year ago; Sam at the age of 37, Dean at the age of 41. They had lived long healthy lives (for a hunter anyway) and after their final case- a vampire hunt in Detroit- they decided that it was time to turn in. Sam found a girl and they fell in love, having two lovely kids. For Dean and Cas... well, they had each other.

Dean finally admitted his feelings to Cas- after fourteen years-and Cas had never been happier, even though he had known for quite a while. Cas teased Dean a little, making him wait a day or two for his answer. But Cas made it up to him by admitting his own feelings on Christmas Eve. When Dean asked why he waited, Cas had shrugged and said he saw it in a movie.

Dean simply laughed and then kissed Cas softly under a hanging mistletoe that was there. That was almost 5 years ago. And they had been together every day since. Dean and Cas stayed in the bunker while Sam moved back to Lawrence -ironically- with the love of his life; a girl named Monica.

Sam and Monica were happy and Dean and Cas were happy. It was a happy ending for once.

Cas was brought back to the present as he felt a soft peck on his lips.

"Morning Sunshine," Dean murmured. Cas smiled softly and kissed him back.

"Hello Dean." he said faintly. "How long have you been awake?"

"Only for a minute or so." Dean said as he yawned. "I rolled over and saw that you were lost in thought again."

"My apologies," Cas sighed. He heard a rumbling sound and realized that it was his own stomach. He looked at Dean and smiled shyly. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving," Dean murmured as he sat up slowly.

"I'll cook us some breakfast." Cas chirped as he sat up too.

Dean chuckled and looked at hin. "You're gonna cook?"

"Why not? I can be a pretty decent cook when I want to be."

Dean smiled and kissed Cas' temple. "Okay sunshine. If you say so." Dean stood up and arched his back. He watched in awe as Dean's perfect figure glowed in the morning sunlight.

Cas had insisted they built a room that was outside so that there could be some natural lighting in the bunker. Dean argued that there wasn't supposed to be natural light-hence the name bunker- but Cas gave him the puppy dog look. And with his blue eyes, he won within seconds.

So, Dean and Cas worked on a room. They made it big enough to fit a king sized bed and a built in bathroom with a shower. It took them about two years to build because of the plumbing and insulation, but Cass had been so happy when it had finally been finished. Dean would never admit it to Cas, but he was glad that the bunker had a room that had windows finally.

"I do." Cas pouted. Dean smiled.

"Okay. You cook us some breakfast then. I'll be out in about 20 minutes or so."

Dean walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Cas heard the groaning of the shower as it started and then he heard Dean hum softly.

Cas smiled faintly. Dean was humming to the melody of "Hey Jude." Castiel walked out of the room and made his way to the kitchen. He turned on the stove top and then put a pan on it. He cracked two eggs and then started to scramble them. Luckily, Dean wasn't picky about food so Castiel could basically make anything. and Dean would eat it in a heartbeat.

Castiel finished cooking the eggs and then grabbed some pancake mix from under the kitchen counter. He poured it in a measuring glass and then added water to it and mixed it with a whisk. As he poured it into the frying pan, he set some slices of bacon in another one on the back burner. He smiled as it made a satisfying sizzling sound. As he flipped the pancake, he felt arms wrap around his waist.

Dean kissed his pulse point softly and Castiel elbowed him gently. "No distracting the chef," he said with a playful warning look. Dean chuckled.

"Not my fault that the cook is distracting me." he smirked.

Castiel rolled his eyes. "How about you pull out the orange juice and the strawberries?" Castiel asked.

"Mmm, what about chocolate syrup and whip cream?" Dean asked.

"Dean, if you want to stay healthy and live longer, you need to eat healthy." Castiel said softly as he put the pancake on the plate and started making another one.

Dean sighed. "You are sounding more and more like Sam everyday."

Castiel smirked. "Get the orange juice and strawberries. And a little bit of whipped cream." he smiled a small smile.

Dean made made a yanking motion with his hand and then quickly got in the fridge and pulled the things out. He got two glasses and poured the orange juice in them. He set the strawberries and whipped cream in the center of the table. He set up the place mats and then the plates as Castiel brought the food over. Dean grabbed the silverware and set it out next to the plates.

"Did you make coffee?" Dean asked. Castiel pointed towards the pot and Dean grinned. "This is why I love you."

Castiel smiled. "Yeah, that's definitely why."

Dean chuckled as he poured himself a cup. "You want one?"

Castiel nodded. "I'd love one." that was one of his favorite drinks he had grown accustomed to. Dean brought the cups over and then got himself a plate. As they ate, Dean scrolled through the news in his phone. As he read part of the news, he grabbed a slice of bacon that Castiel had made. He hummed in appreciation.

"Never mind, this is why I love you."

Castiel simply smiled. "I love you too."

As they sat there in companionable silence, Castiel watched Dean with affection as Dean wiped the whip cream mustache on his upper lip away. Castiel had no idea how he had gotten so lucky to get this man or what he did to deserve this man and his love for him. But Castiel would do it again in a heartbeat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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