The Brother and The Pillow

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"Sam?" Dean shouted into the hallway. He stood there for a few moments, listening as his rough voice echoes through the halls. "Sammy?" he shouted. Five minutes of silence. Dean sighed with relief. He turned to the blue eyed angel who stared at him with a lustful gaze. Dean chuckled and walked towards Castiel. "Coast is clear."

"Good," he said in his gravelly voice and then their lips crashed against each others as Dean walked backwards and into the wall. Even though Castiel is a couple inches shorter than Dean, he deepened the kiss, having full control.

"Castiel," Dean whispered into his mouth softly. Castiel sucked on Dean's lower lip, playing with it for a few seconds.

"Yes, Dean?" he asked in a low hum as he moved to Dean's jaw line and then his neck.

"I need you," Dean whispered breathlessly.

Castiel looked into Dean's eyes and then kisses him softly on the lips.

"Okay." he whispered. Dean broke into a full on smile and then kissed the angel softly, grabbing the doorknob behind him and pulling him into the bedroom, closing the door tightly behind them.


Castiel leaned back onto his pillow, his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. Dean heavily panted, staring at the ceiling. After a few moments of silence and gathering their breaths, he turned over to Cass.

"Have you been practicing?" Dean asked. Cass looked back at Dean with a quizzical look.

"No? The only person who I've ever had sex with like this is you."

Dean chuckled and shook his head. "I was being sarcastic."

Cass formed his mouth in the shape of an 'O'. Dean was about to kiss him softly when they heard heavy footsteps from the kitchen.

"Dean? Cass?" a loud voice shouted.

"Shit," Dean muttered. "One second Sammy!"

The footsteps got closer and closer and Dean quickly shoved the partly naked angel out of the bed and down onto the floor as his younger brother walks in. Luckily, the bed is in the right position so that it hid Cass's body well. Dean barely had enough time to cover himself. Sammy looked down at Dean and then quickly looked away,

"Ugh!" he groaned. "Get some pants on, would ya?"

Dean chuckled. "Aw come on, Sammy. You came in here when I told you to wait. This is your punishment."

Sam rolled his eyes and then looked at his phone. "Have you seen Cass? I've been trying to get ahold of him and-"

"Haven't seen him." Dean said quickly, mentally kicking himself for replying so fast. Sam gave him a weird look, frowned, but then shrugged.

"Okay then. Well, I think I found us a case."

"Really?" Dean asked as he grabbed his faded jeans off the floor. "Where at?"

"In Oklahoma. So get this, a woman was walking home one night when she got mugged. Or at least that's how the police report goes. But there have been multiple witnesses saying that the person who mugged the woman was the woman."

Dean frowned. "Does she have an evil twin?"

Sam shook his head. "No, not that I could find. She's a single child."

"So a shapeshifter?"

"Possibly. It wouldn't hurt to check it out."

Dean nodded his head. "Okay, well I'll find Cass and fill him in on what's going on. We can head out first thing tomorrow morning." Dean clapped his hand. Sam nodded his head and they kind of sat there for a moment.

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