The Angel and The Demon

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*I will proofread this tomorrow. It's currently 1 a.m., I'm tired and I wrote this on my phone so there might be mistakes.*

Dean walked into the bunker, his eyes looking around for one thing and one thing only; well, more like a person. Or angel.

Castiel had been the only person on Dean's mind for who knows how many years. And Dean was too afraid to tell Cass that. But now that he has become full on demon, he couldn't give two fucks even if he tried.

"Castiel!" Dean shouted loudly, his voice echoing through the bunker.

There was no answer.

Dean sighed and look around. He was getting impatient and he knew he had to do something quick before Sam got back.

Dean sat down and rested his chin on his hand, strumming his fingers along the table in the library.

Within a few moments, there was a loud whooshing noise. Dean's lips curved up into a smile.

"About damn time, Cass."

He turned around to meet Castiel who was staring intensely at him with blue eyes.

"Why are you back?" Castiel asked in his gravelly voice. "And why has Sam not texted me telling me you're back?"

"Because Sam doesn't know I'm back." Dean said simply. "Only you do."

Castiel stared at Dean, his eyes looking him over. "Something is off about you." he said.

Dean chuckled. "Yeah it's called confidence. It does amazing things when you give it a try."

Castiel's eyes widened in realization. "You're still a demon."

Dean chuckled. "You bet your ass I am."

Castiel stared at him. "Dean, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do."

Castiel slid a pair of handcuffs out of his jacket. He quickly ran over to Dean who dodged him within seconds.

"I'm not here for trouble Cass," Dean said, raising his hands up.

"Then what are you here for?" Castiel asked, taking another swing at him.

Dean dodged Cass and then looked at him, a smirk playing on his lips. "You."

Before Castiel could object or ask what he meant, Dean had him pinned against the wall, his hands above his head with Dean holding a firm grip on them and his hips pinned against the wall by Dean's.

"D-Dean," Cass said out of shock. "Dean this isn't you."

"Oh this is me," Dean said, his lips brushing against Castiel's soft ones. "I was just never brave enough to do this before now."

Castiel tried to push Dean back, but Dean had new strength that matched Castiel's. Cass glared at Dean. "Let go."

"Ah, ah, ah," Dean said softly. "I'm going to have some fun first."

Castiel was about to ask what Dean meant when Dean's left hand slowly slid down Castiel's front, making his breath hitch. His long, slim fingers wriggled a little as Dean slid his hand under Cass' trench coat and his blazer. Dean's hand slid all the way down to the hem of Cass' dress shirt that was peeking out over his belt.

Cass' Adam's apple bobbed up and down slightly. "Dean, stop."

Dean gave Cass a look. "Ah, but you like it."

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