The Angel and The Death

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A/N: Not my original idea but I had to write it out for them because I fell in love with it. I give them 100% credit for the idea :) 

This is for Leen <3

Please enjoy.

Dean opened his eyes bleakly, feeling a pang in his chest as he stared at the ceiling. Two days. Two days since he held Cass, who was bleeding out, in his arms. They had finally caught up with Crowley and Rowena and...

Dean closed his eyes, the tears already forming again. He couldn't even think about it. Yet, before he could stop it, his mind was thrown back to two days ago.

* * *

"You Winchesters and your stupid pet angel are really getting on my last nerve," Crowley growled in that Scottish accent of his.

"I am not their pet." Cass scowled.

Crowley chuckled. "Sure, and I'm not the king of hell."

Cass gripped his angel blade tightly. "Watch it."

"Crowley, just give Rowena to us. Just so that we can figure out the Book of the Damned. Then you can have her back." Dean said quietly, watching Crowley cautiously.

"No chance," Crowley said simply.

"Then we'll have to do it the hard way." Dean sighed. He ran towards Crowley quickly, but Crowley simply threw Dean across the room with a flick of his hand.

"Dean!" Cass shouted gruffly. He turned to Crowley and stabbed his arm with the blade. Crowley shouted in agony and yanked away quickly.

"That," Crowley growled as he held his bleeding arm. "was the last straw."

Crowley shouted in some unknown language. Dean slowly stood up and was able to look at Cass just as he saw him get pushed back all the way to the wall. Cass groaned loudly as his clothes were torn to shreds instantly, blood pouring out of his chest instantly.

"Cass!" Dean screamed. Cass looked at Dean and then back at the vicious hell hound, staring into it's blood red eyes.. Dean couldn't see it, but Cass could see it as clear as day. He looked back at Dean with an apologetic look. He knew what he had to do to keep Dean safe.

The angel blade could kill the hound without a problem, but in order to kill the hound, Cass would have to use so much force that he would end up stabbing himself. He could do it. He would do it. If it meant that Dean would stay safe, then Cass would do anything.

He thought this all out in seconds even though it felt like days. Dean watched in horror as Cass lifted the angel blade, screamed, and then plunged it into the air and through the hell hound... And himself.

The hound shrieked and then disintegrated instantly, leaving only a bloody Cass left behind. Dean ran to Cass' side, grabbing his head softly as he pulled the angel blade out quickly.

"Cass," Dean whimpered in confusion. "You dumbass..." his voice cracked at the last part.

"Dean," Cass said weakly. Dean leaned down.


Cass softly touched Deans' face and then his hand slid down.

"Cass?" Dean asked softly. "Cass? Cass!"

Dean tried to shake him but he simply stayed limp. Dean leaned over Cass' body, sobs racking his body as he held his angel close to his heart.


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