My Nickname's Batman..You?

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"Oh my god! Batman have you heard their new album yet!?!? Its unbelievable!" One of my friends screeched into my ear. Yeah. She called me batman. That's my nickname. Only thing is, she thinks its my REAL name....not surprised. "Ouch Summer! Damn who's new album?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"One Direction! Their new album Midnight Memories is totes cray cray!!" She knew I hated that Sprint commercial. "You know I don't like them....they're just some 'ol boyband... I bet you one will get married then they will fall apart." I said as I flopped on the couch at her house. We were both only 17, so we sort of had our own place. Bout of our parents pay for the flat. We have to buy the food and décor and all that shiz. Me and Summer both have our own couch. Mine is a black one, decorated with skulls here and there. Hers is hot pink. Sometimes I wonder how it came to be that a girly girl, and an emo became best friends. But im like that Abbey chick on N.C.I.S. Happiest goth you'll ever meet. I don't cut, or do anything else.  I have my ears pierced. Nothing else.

"God. I cant believe you'd say something like that! Zayn is engaged and they haven't fallen apart yet!" I smirked. "Good for them! Im going out. See you!" I left the flat. I took a shortcut to hot topic. Through a dark alley.  "Frick!" There was a black van. *Well um okay you just need to ru- oh shiz. People. Jason masks. FRICKEN RUN BATMAN!!* I made a run for it. *Nope! Dumb bimbo! They caught you!* "GET AWAY FROM ME!! NO PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed! I was dragged by my hair. "Harry! Can you pick the poor girl up and not rip her hair out please?" One of the five "Jasons" said. Turns out the one dragging me was called Harry.

"No its okay! It's been gone before! Wont bother me if its gone for a fourth!" I was dragged into the van. Then they took all of their masks off. I was greeted by 5 smiling freaks. "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" I saw a needle. Ohh god. They're gonna drug me.

"Goodnight. Abigail." was the last thing I heard before I drifted into a sleep.

My Nickname's Batman..You? || l.p. ||Where stories live. Discover now