Chapter eighteen

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I saw the guy next to me sit up and look at me. "L-liam? *GASP* Your eyes!!"

Liams eyes! They were half brown and half purple! Like mine! Wait, how did he, get the disease? "Whats wrong with my eyes?" I shook my head. I threw on my shirt and sweatpants, and threw him a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. Then a pair of sunglasses.

"We have to get Doctor Peterson. He has to see this!" He was pretty confused. I ran out to tell the lads.

"LADS! LIAMS EYES ARE LIKE MINEEZZ!! WE'RE GOING TO PETERSONS OFFICE!" I saw Harry come back and grab keys. "Get Liam. I'm taking you." I ran back almost crying. "Harry is gonna take us." 

Liam walked ahead of me and held my head as i walked behind him. We both sat in the back. I know that we were both trying our best not to make out. When we got there i ran to the desk.

"Hi I'm here to see doctor peterson my friend has something he will like." "Who's your friend?" i looked around Liam was JUST walking through the door. I jumped up and down. Liam! Come on hurry uppp!" I whined. 

"Okay sweetie. You know where his office is?" "Yes yes i do please let me go now!" She let me go and i did cartwheels down the hall until i was at his door. I knocked until he answered. "Abigail! How are you?" I jumped up and down. "LIAMS EYES!! THEY'RE LIKE MINE!! " I felt his hands on my waist. No! Not the doctors! Liams! "Abigail calm down!" I started to calm down.

Inhale exhale inhale exhale. "Um. This may seem a bit, personal. But have you two done intercourse?" I started to blush. I looked at Liam. I don't know! I cant remember what happened last night! i mouthed to him. He nodded. "Actually, we're not sure. We sort of, got wasted last night. And i , well, we cant remember at all. " His face fell. 

"well. how much do you two kiss, on a day to day basis?" "We'll usually only kiss once or twice a day, but we'll make out every now and then. " I giggles. "Well, Liam. Your eyes are like that like abigails. I'm not sure about the whole color of your tears issue, but you might find out soon." 

We left after that and we let the paps take pictures of our eyes. We made funny faces at this one guy. A few minutes later we got those pictures texted to us. "Hah, We looked good." He laughed. "Yeah we did didn't we?"

We proceeded to the flat. The boys were laughing really hard at something on the TV. "Oh my god Abigail is this really you-" Louis saw Liams eyes. "Lads look! They weren't lying to us! " They all looked at Liam's eyes. I snapped photos of the news and posted them on Liams facebook and twitter.

Heyyyy Li! Hello liams fans(: Me and Liam are together again! Haha i told you you'd catch it eventually Li. Lol love you Mr I need a new password.(" it was an easy guess. ~Abigaill(:

Yes i hacked into his face book. I found his reaction funny. My punishment? I had to kiss him.  It didn't bother me. Imma need to be bad more and more if that's my punishment(:

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