chapter twenty three

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"You should watch your back. And you'll have a surprise not only in your bedroom, but in the hospital as well. Sweet dreams bitch." I heard the line go dead and i threw the phone across the room.

"What the horan?" I almost smiled. ALMOST. I ran up to my bedroom ignoring the boys yelling and saw a note on my bed.

I read out loud what it said. "You will be sorry you ever left the house that day. You left me to pay the goddamn bills. I got kicked out! Out of my own home. Now i can ruin the thing you love so much. " I ran and got my sneakers on.

"HURRY THE HELL UP!" Turns out it had been two hours since i left. I ran into the car and Liam stepped on the gas after Harry had shut the door. We arrived in about two minutes.

I ran straight into Thomas' room and saw her all bloody and awake. "MAMA PLEASE HELP ME MAMA PLEASE!" I grabbed her out of her bed, since the IV and wires had already been ripped out of her arm, and ran into the waiting room.

"LEAVE!" i yelled loudly. Everyone in the waiting room had ran out. I set Thomas on the floor and started to clean her up. She wouldn't, scratch that. COULDN'T stop whimpering as i tried to clean her up and especially where the IV's had been ripped out.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" I flinched at Doctor petersons words. "SHE HAD THE IV RIPPED OUT OF HER ARM AND SHE WAS CUT THTS WHAT HAPPENED!!" Doctor Peters shook his head and carried her away.

I walked outside and just stood there. Feeling numb as the cold air blew across my bare arms. "Why. Why Lord." I shook my head. Knowing my prayers wouldn't be answered. I stood there staring into the starry night. Full moon biatches.

"Hey you okay." "No I'm not okay. My daughter is hurt and I'm hurt and everyone is all happy and me and her are fucking suffering. Not like anyone would give two shits." It was Liam i was talking to.

I felt hands on my waist, then i got pulled around and met Liam's soft lips. We both pulled away, and he was out of breath. "You're not out of breath?" I shook my head. "I stayed underwater for about two minutes before they had to call an ambulance. "

Liam shook his head and smiled at me. "Can we start over."

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