chapter twenty one.

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"We cant find Harry. Anywhere." I looked at, Zayn. "What do you mean you cant find him anywhere?" He shrugged. 

"Well what the fuck." I said. I sat on the steps with Thomas resting on my knee. I pulled out my phone and called him. 

"Hello?" I heard him. Then i heard a voice in the background. "Babe who's that you're talking to?" I pulled the phone away from my face for a second. "BABE??!!" All the boys looked at me. "No I only love you Abigail i promise!" 

"Really? Why'd you ditch us then? Huh? You ditched not only your mates, but your girlfriend, and your daughter! I cant believe you! Wow Harry." I hung up. 

The boys were looking at me. I looked at what i was wearing. A white 'The Beatles' shirt, a black hoodie, with cutoff shorts, and black high tops. "Thomas. Wanna go somewhere?" 

She nodded excited, when the boy's faces had 'hurt' written all over it. 'I'll be back. Anyone want to come?' Liam stepped up.

"Can uncle Liam come with us?" Thomas nodded and we left. We walked all around town. Luckily no body could tell it was us. Well, until just now. 

"Fuck." i whispered. Liam looked at me. "What?" I pointed to a pap. "Dammit. We'll be all over the news in a few minutes. Run. God dammit run!" I did as Liam said and ran. Thomas was holding on for dear life. I don't think she's ever been held while someone was running with her.

I stopped dead in my tracks when i remembered Liam. Me and Thomas were about a block away from the house. I turned to find Liam but couldn't see him anywhere. Then out of no where he's jumping out from a bush straight at me.

I picked up Thomas again and ran to the house. I set her on the steps as i noticed her crying. "Whats wrong?" She pointed behind me. I took a deep breath and turned my head. I saw a middle aged man with a gun. 

"Give me the girl and no one gets hurt." I smirked. "She is mine now. By law." I put my arm behind me and knocked on the door. Within seconds Zayn came out very pissed. He grabbed a gun and pointed it at the unknown man. 

"Leave." The man nodded and turned on his heel. "Give me the gun." I said. He turned around and tried to slap me. I ducked and kicked him in the stomach. I grabbed the gun from his hands and aimed it at him. 

"Go somewhere now. Before i shoot." He nodded and left. I smiled to myself. I threw Zayn the gun after emptying it of its bullets. Then a very sweaty Liam came. "Get inside now!" I grabbed Thomas once again and ran inside, considering i was halfway down the block. 

I got in and set Thomas on the counter. "Abi I'm tired." She yawned. "Okay baby um lets get you some comfier clothes." She nodded and i went into me and her room. 

I went to her side of the closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. "Better?" She nodded. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and kept my 'The Beatles' shirt on, since i love them so much. 

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Thomas standing on the edge of my bed still. "You could've layed down you know. Silly one." She smiled at me as i grabbed her and spun her around. 

"We need sleep." She nodded. I crawled under the blanket with her and we both got comfy. "Abi can you sing me a song?" I smiled. "Um. Do you like the Beatles?" She nodded.

"My favorite song is Hey Jude. Can you sing that one?" I smiled. "Yes i can. That's my favorite too." 

"Hey Jude. Don't make it bad. 

Take a sad song and make better.

Remember to let her into your heart.

Then you can start to make it better."

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