chapter twenty

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"They called to say that you can't talk, live, or speak to us. Unless you and Liam clear things up." I looked at Harry with wide eyes. "Excuse me? He's the one that was cheating on me and didn't grow a pair to say it! So you came and took his spot!"

He nodded. "I know. But the publicity this fight would get wouldn't be good." I nodded. "Come on Thomas. We have to go see someone." She groaned from the kitchen. "But I'm hungry and thirsty Abi!" I looked at Harry. "I told her to call you that." I nodded.

"Okay. Well here is a juice box Niall can live without, and what do you want to eat?" She motioned for me to set her on the counter. I did and she stood up, looking at the top of the fridge where Niall keeps his secret food.

"Oh!! Sour gummy worms!!" I sighed. "He really keeps those up there?" She nodded as she was giggling. I grabbed a step stool, and saw a junk food heaven up there. "Don't tell Niall about this." I said. She nodded and I grabbed the rest of his little stash.

"The rest of the boys will be ther- Did you take Niall's candy?" Harry was saying as I looked for a bag with Thomas behind me and me scattering around to find a back of some sort to keep it all in and take with me.

"Yeah. She was hungry and I put her on the counter and then we discovered his little stash on top of the fridge and I went and grabbed it all. Oh crap her juice box!" Thomas ran up to me with it in her hands. "Oh okay. Come on we're going to meet the rest of the boys!"

We left and arrived to management studio in about fifteen minutes. I walked in holding Thomas, who was sleeping in my arms. Niall, Louis, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, and Sophie looked at me. I went and sat down on the ground.

"Nice of you to join us Abigail. If I may ask, who is that?" I looked at the well dressed man I've seen before. "None of any of your guys' business. Unless I tell you. Otherwise keep your trap shut about her." I said, pretty rudely.

"Anyways. Abigail we are once again aware you and Liam have broken up." I nodded my head, not even looking at Liam. "Well, you will not be allowed to be near, to talk, or to live with them unless you and Liam clear things up. You don't have to go out, but you need to clear things up. You two may be excused into the hall. We will call you two back in a few minutes." 

I nodded as I carried Thomas with me into the hall, Liam behind me. "Abigail where are we?" I looked down to see her face red. "This is where you're going to meet the rest of the boys! Did you eat all of your candy?" She nodded. I felt her forehead. She has a fever. Oh joy. Sarcasm.

I grabbed some fever medicine before I left because I easily get fevers on car trips. I took out the box and gave some to her.  

"I'm thirsty." I heard her mumble. I looked at her in my arms. "I know babay I'm thirsty too. I might have another juice box in my bag." Her eyes lit up when i finished that sentence. She sat up and was pulling my bag off.

"Did you-" "Don't even ask." I cutt him off, dumping the candy on the floor far away from where Niall and the boys were. Answer call from Curly Haired Bastard?

I heard my phone say, as it was quiet in the halls, it echoed. I answered and just listened as i heard everything that 'manager' had to say.

"Harry if Liam and Sophie have any problems, you will be forced to give Abigail to Liam. As for you Sophie, Eleanour, and Perrie, you will have to split with your boyfriends. Niall, you will be dating Demi Lovato, and Louis you will be dating Ariana Grande. Everything understood?" I looked at Liam in shock as we sat on the ground, Thomas between my legs eating more candy and drinking a juice box.

"But sir, Zayn and Perrie, Liam and Sophie, Me and Eleanour, Abigail and Harry! What the actual hell! We will date whoever we want and if you don't like that we can find a new manager all by ourselves. One that will actually respect, our love life. And you cant just tell Niall that he will be dating Demi! Demi is a slut!" (A/N: I have nothing against Demi. It just kinda fit with the story..)

I ran into there. "You cannot be doing that! If they want to date, then let them! You cant fuck around in here and call us from our life and say 'You two are breaking up' or 'You will be dating her'! God damn fuck off if thatts what you came here to say! And if you fucking ban me from seeing the boys i don't give a fuck! Free fucks for everyone yeah? I have a kid, and so does Harry. We signed the papers today. If you want to split us up, then the news will so not be your friend anymore." 

Liam came running in with Thomas, who had my bag on her back, while she was on Liams back. "Abigail. Me and you will have a chat later. I'm guessing you and Liam made up?" I looked at Liam with wide eyes. "Um, we talked. I wouldn't really call it 'making up' though." He looked at the two of us while the rest of the boys couldn't stop looking at me.

"Well you and Liam can come later. How about, tomorrow at 10 in the morning?" I rolled my eyes and made a duh face. "Yeah. That'll work for me. I'm not sure about him, but i'll be good with that." Liam shook his head, basically saying 'No that isn't a good time' 

"Well how about the rest of you lads leave and me and Abi and Liam can talk." I took Thomas from Liam. "Babe i'll take her if you want." I looked at Harry, standing over me. "No I'm fine. Go with the boys. " He simply nodded and left.

I sat down and Thomas fell asleep. "Well. About that scene. Care to explain?" I bit my lip out of anxiety. "Harry had recorded that. The whole thing with splitting with there partners and you giving Niall a new girlfriend. I uh, kind of over reacted because i really didn't think that was right, but you're their boss so i should have stayed outside. I'm really sorry about that."

He simply nodded. "Well if it happens again i will have to ban you from seeing the boys. Agreed?" I nodded. "So you and Liam kind of made up, correct?" We both nodded. "Okay. Well i hope with both of your 'eye' situations, by the way, when will that wear off?" I bit my lip again. "Um, sir. I know about this disease. The eye color situation wont change or wear off. He'll need contacts if you want the eyes to be brown, or whatever the heck it was."

He nodded. "Liam we will let you have your condition looked at. "Um sir, if you try to change it, he will get sick. You'll need to just get the contacts." 

He shooed me and Thomas out. I looked through the window in the door and saw Liam get up about to hurt the manager. I called his cell, which was in Thomas's pocket. I ran in, with no other choice but to set Thomas down and block the punch he was about to throw.

I grabbed his fist, and put it to his side. "Please, don't hit me again." He nodded and saw my hand, with of course the promise ring Harry had gotten me. He shrugged it off and i grabbed Thomas. "Will that be all?" Mr Manager nodded and we left.

"Guys, something happened."


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