Chapter six

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I sat in my room, writing in my journal/diary.

Dear notebook.

Zayn harry louis niall and liam have turned on me since they found out my secret. I'm sitting in my room, starving, wanting something to eat. but if i go out into the kitchen, they call me names, and they'll always have some type of weapon in their hands. wait, i'll be back.

I got up and remembered. Before daddy turned on me, he gave me a pocket knife. "In case any boy wants to be mean to my little girl." He gave it to me when i was 3, but when i was 11 i put it in a book bag. I knew they would eventually get arrested. I've had it since then. I went and held it in my hands for the first time in a while. I noticed something different though. Engraved in, gold?? It is gold! Anyways, engraved in it said

Daddy+Batman forever

Daddy always knew i loved batman. Where is my notebook?

okay notebook I'm back. I'm going, with my pocket knife, to get something to eat. so if they try to mess with me, and go as far as to hurt me, i'll cut them! lmao love you notebook muah :* byee! P.S wish me luck! <3

i shut my notebook and made my way to the kitchen. Wait, where are the boys? Note. Oh gosh. Whats it say?  

We hate you, and you hate us, but we know you're starving, so eat before we come back. left to get more food since niall cant stop eating. The Boys.

I ripped the note to shreds. I put food, drinks, and clothes in a bag.Well, the food and drinks went into a mini cooler, but it all went into my bag. My turn to leave a note. 

To the boys.

sorry i lied. you can hate my guts but all i want is for you guys to realize that we all make mistakes. maybe one day, you'll look back and realize that i never hated you. so. bye forever. -runaway emo.

I left my note and went out the door. The first place i went to? Actually, i don't know where I'm going. i might as well go back to me and Summer's flat. 

I walked and i walked up to the door, and unlocked it. I sat in the middle of the empty room, which used to be the living room. 


Liam POV

"Lads. Read this" I handed them the note from Abigail. Poor thing. She was only trying to forget her past. "Lads, we need to find her! What if she's on the streets?" We all agreed to leave then. We drove all around town looking for her. 

We looked at her and Summer's old flat. Door wide open, food wrappers on the floor. Yup She was here. Where is she now though?

'Batman' POV

I walked into the hospital. "Hello. How may i help you." The lady behind the desk asked. "Um where is Doctor Peterson's office?" She kept typing. "Room 27A. Take the elevator to the third floor.  Fourth door to the left." I said thank you and left to the elevator. I grabbed my gum and started chewing. I hated elevators. i always get sick.

I opened his office door. "Hey Abigail! What brings you here?"

I told him my whole story. "They found out before you told them?" Oh no. Doc is confused. "No Liam and Harry did. I told Louis and Zayn. I'm guessing Liam or Harry told Niall though."  The next thing i know, the boys come into the office, sweaty, and worried, as ever.

"Where have(breath) you been?" Liam said. "I'm not talking to you. None of you." I turned my back to them.

Liam put a hand on my shoulder. "You cant ignore us forever. You know that right?" I looked back at him. "I can and i will!" Liam then picked me up, and since I'm only a really active fourteen year old, I'm pretty light.

I was then passed on to Harry. We left the hospital in silence. We got to their flat and then i locked myself in my room. I found a note on my bed.

we never wanted to hurt you. we thought you couldn't trust us though. we're sorry Xx

I screamed. "NO YOU'RE NOT! MY PARENTS NEVER WERE! WHY SHOULD YOU GUYS BE, HUH?" I was pretty upset. Another sleepless night tonight shall be . 

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